I was so excited he was coming over. I loved it when he came over. We always had fun together. Usually the sexy kind. My favourite kind!!!
I was extra excited for this session because I had recently asked him if he would be into me calling him Daddy. He had responded in the affirmative. We had been fucking for years and he had always been dominant with me, but I had never used this title with him before. It’s a title I don’t use often, but with the right person, it can be sexy as hell. I think it’s a sexy af name to call my Dom. The last few times we had fucked, he had called me a good girl, his good girl, and I had been tempted to call him Daddy… but I thought it best to ask first. I was delighted he was into it and knew I was going to use it sometime today. I was very excited and nervous about this.
I had also decided to put in a butt plug for this session. It was going to be a naughty little surprise for him to find. It would be fun and make my pussy tighter and it might even lead to him taking my ass… which made me both very nervous and excited.