The Addams Family Chronicles Ch 3 [Taboo][Oral][Pee][Mast]}

Chapter 3:

Everyone Lends A Hand:

Preparations. So many preparations to be made. Menus to be written, invitations to be sent, entertainment to be booked, the house was abuzz with activity. It seemed every waking hour was spent helping to get ready for the magnificent event. A small fortune was being spent on the festivities, but it was money well spent. After all, it would have only otherwise been wasted on things like helping the poor and the needy.         

Morticia had taken a rare trip into town to place a large order at the local grocer. Now it was just after four as the sleek antique limousine was pulling to a stop at the end of the driveway. The children would be home from school by now. Lurch hefted his weight out of the driver’s seat and the entire car shifted on its axel. He opened the door for her and extended his hand. “Thank you Lurch.” She said as she slithered out. As she walked towards the front door her eyes fell on an anomaly. A bicycle, bright with blue chrome, was leaning on its kickstand by the steps. “Hmmm.” She murmured, ponderingly.

The Addams Family Chronicles Ch2 [Public][Mast][Taboo][VOY]

Namelessredditor87 and ElizaFlame

Chapter 2

A Grand Idea  

           Morning dawned grim and gray and the Addams clan stirred slowly from its fitful slumber. Gomez was up with the sun, and he slipped out of bed and into his long robe silently, while the rest of the family was still waking. He pushed open the glass door that led to the adjacent balcony, stepped out, and surveyed the grounds.

           From this vantage point, he could see across the whole expanse of the property. The sprawling ancestral cemetery, the putrid swampland rife with quicksand and dead trees, the treacherous ravine, the acres and acres of wasted earth, choked with rocks and weeds. He took a deep breath of thick, fetid air and sighed contentedly. He heard the faint pop of knuckles cracking at his side and felt a soft tug on the cuff of his silk pajama bottoms. Looking down he saw the family’s faithful hand Thing, perched on its fingertips by his slippered foot. “Good morning old man.”

The Addams Family Chronicles Chpt 1 [Taboo][MF][VOY][Mast]

Namelessredditor87 and ElizaFlame

Chapter 1

Night Sounds

           High atop its hill, beyond the tombstones, the ancient Addams mansion sat. Beneath a dark, starless night sky it rested, though it did not rest easy. A thousand sounds disturbed the silence. Mice scurried beneath the floorboards and spiders worked busily on their webs. The house creaked and settled on itself. Deep in the bowels of the old house, the behemoth butler Lurch snored steadily in bed, loud enough to shudder the walls of his cramped quarters. The soft flick of old book pages came from the chambers beside the kitchens. Grandma Addams sat up, pouring over a faded copy of Gray’s Anatomy by dancing candlelight. In the greenhouse, there was a crunching, and gnawing, as the giant flytraps feasted on their squirming dinner.