The Nude Normal (Chapter 9) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

If you’re new to this story, you can find previous chapters [here](

# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 9 | Coming Together

I stood facing the door and raised my arm.

I paused.

Could I actually do this? What if I said the wrong thing?

What if she didn’t forgive me?

I took a deep breath, and knocked.

“Mm?” I head quietly from behind the door.

I put my hand on the handle and turned, slowly pushing the door in.

I peeked through the gap.

“Can I come in?”

She was sitting on the top of her blankets on the bed, in her familiar tight t-shirt and short shorts. She looked up at me. Her face was red, from the heat or tears, I wasn’t sure.

She nodded.

I let myself in the room, closing the door behind her. I walked over to her bed and stood beside it. I was in my shorts, the moment felt too important to be nude.

“I’m sorry,” I began. It was the only way I knew how to start. And I was, sorry.

The Nude Normal (Chapter 8) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

If you’re new to this story, you can find previous chapters [here](

# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 8 | Parental Guidance

“Ava! Wait! I’m sorry, it’s not what it looks like!”

I scramble from my bed towards the door, my half limp cock flailing at my waist as I move across the room. I burst through the doorway into the hallway, Ava stands there with tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I look at her. “It just happened, I didn’t know how to…”

She looks deep into my eyes. “I wanted to be your first.”

“Me too, me too,” I look at her back. She puts her arms around me and I hold her.

At least, that’s what I should’ve done.

Instead, she spied me through the crack in the door. I looked at her, a stupefied deer in the head lights. She wiped the tears from her face and disappeared from view. I stayed right there in bed like the idiot I was.

I didn’t run. I didn’t go after her. I didn’t even call her name.

I just sat there and let the silence consume me.

The Nude Normal (Chapter 7) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

Thank you so much for the amazing response to Chapter 6, as always. After leaving you in the lurch for so long, I was worried no one was going to come back, but I was blown away (pun intended) by your reaction yet again. Special thanks if you sent me a message, I loved reading every single one. Apologies if I haven’t got back to you yet, I’m gonna do that right now. Happy New Year to everyone and hope you enjoy The Visitors.

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# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 7 | The Visitors

We pull into the same car park we stopped at on the way to the beach house. Ava gets out of the car and comes round to my side, opening the door and giving me her hand. I take it and she pulls me from my seat, the warm beach air rushes my nude body and I am free. She stands before me in her little shorts, tight shirt, and flip flops. She smiles and wriggles her finger towards herself, daring me to follow her.

The Nude Normal (Chapter 6) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

Hello again r/eroticliterature! I am so sorry for the silence, the festive season took a bit more of my attention than I anticipated. But I’m please to say, Alex is back. If you’re still here along for the ride, thank you for your patience.

Beginning with this chapter, I’m going to be trying something a little different. The idea of writing and editing a chapter as long as the previous ones has been a little daunting to say the least. I knew it was going to take a lot of time, and honestly it was stopping me from even getting started. So moving forward, the chapters are going to be quite a bit shorter than before. Think of them more like interconnected vignettes, still telling the same overall story, just in more bite sized chunks, which just means there will be more in the long run. Please let me know if you especially like or dislike this new format so I can find a better balance in the chapters to come.

The Nude Normal (Chapter 5 Part 2) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 5 | My Family, The Nudists
## Part 2 (of 2)

This is a continuation of [Chapter 5 Part 1](

I made my way back down the hall, my hard cock leading the way. In the moment I had been too stimulated to take everything in, but now in the quiet I was able to process what I had just witnessed. Not only had I just watched Ava cum, but she held my cock as she did so. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t just cum on the spot as well, watching her orgasm roll through her, my penis right there in her warm grasp.

But then, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Things had changed so much between us, even in the space of just a few days. I thought back to my fantasy of seeing her out in the yard, watching me jerk off, and how simple everything seemed then. Now that I had seen her nude, and we had both watched each other’s most vulnerable moments, things already seemed more complex, more important, like there was more at stake. I was strangely glad she hadn’t made me ejaculate, that I been able to witness that special moment of her vulnerability and her feeling safe enough to want me to hold her close to me as she came down from the high.

The Nude Normal (Chapter 5 Part 1) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

When I wrote the first chapter of this story, that’s all I ever intended it to be, a single chapter of an interesting, kinky, premise. Then, as you all showed such unexpected support to the first post, it snowballed into something bigger. Five seemed like a good number as I continued to explore Alex’s beach house vacation, but now as that adventure comes to an end, and there’s still so many of you here (and if you’re reading this I’m talking about you, and to all of you, particularly those who have left an upvote, a kind comment or a reward – *thank you*) I’m finding I’m not ready to let go of Alex’s story just yet. I’m going to take a moment to plot what comes next for Alex and his family on their return home, and this is a heads up the next instalments might not come as regularly as they have been (sorry!) but rest assured, this isn’t the end of Alex’s story and there’s *so much* to be explored here yet.

Again, this is a two part chapter, so don’t miss the link at the end of this post for Part 2.

The Nude Normal (Chapter 4 Part 2) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 4 | Alone With Ava
## Part 2 (of 2)

This is a continuation of [Chapter 4 Part 1](

We got to our feet and brushed the dry grass from our bare backs and legs, and made for the door. I unclicked it and I was about to step inside when she stopped me.


I put my foot back down onto the cement landing just outside the door.

“Your feet,” she continued. “They’re so dirty.”

I looked down. My feet, wet from the bath, had collected a scattered collection of grass and bits of dirt from the lawn. If I stepped inside they would surely leave dirty foot prints down the hall, something that would only be a distraction to our naked adventure.

“Good save,” I thanked her, then began to wipe my feet on the concrete, before she spoke again.

“Don’t do that,” she stopped me. “Doesn’t that hurt?”

“I mean, a little, I guess.” I admitted.

“Here,” she stepped towards me and held out her hand. “Give me your foot.”

“It’s fine, I…” began, but she persisted with her hand.

The Nude Normal (Chapter 4 Part 1) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

I wasn’t going to make it awkward and thank you all for your kindness *again*, but given the response to Chapter 3, I just couldn’t not – so thank you so much one again for your upvotes, comments, and awards, I really do appreciate everyone who takes the time to show their support!

Just a small content warning for this one, there’s a conversation that alludes to some potentially abusive behaviour from a male character, nothing too specific or explicit, just wanted to give a heads up if this is a trigger for you.

And again, just like Alex’s private parts, this chapter kept growing until it was too big to be contained in a single post, so don’t miss the link at the end of Part 1 to find out what happens with Alex’s alone time with Ava in Part 2.

If you’re new to this story, you can start at the beginning with [Chapter 1](

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# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 4 | Alone With Ava
## Part 1 (of 2)

The Nude Normal (Chapter 3 Part 2) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 3 | Caught In The Act
## Part 2 (of 2)

This is a continuation of [Chapter 3 Part 1](

I woke up in a puddle of sweat, and images of the naked woman behind my eyelids. Despite the craziness of the scene, the impossibility of it all, she was right. I was being way too uptight about everything. They’d caught me masturbating. That was all. If I was actually going to give this nudism thing a shot, I really had to chill out.

I stretched my naked body on the bed and let out a relieving sigh. I moved my body, sitting on the edge of the bed, and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirrored wardrobe door. The afternoon sun was streaming in through the windows, illuminating my bare skin in a warm, golden light. I watched myself sit there, all my glory exposed to the room. I *had* come so far. Too far to give up. Maybe being caught was just an awkward hurdle. I needed to apologise, to find out if they were as mortified as I was about the whole ordeal.

The Nude Normal (Chapter 3 Part 1) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

Thank you so much once again for your kind response to Chapter 2. I really am overwhelmed by how positively this story has been received, and it’s been a massive encouragement as I’ve continued writing, so thank you!

Just a heads up, Chapter 3 has been posted in two parts (because the entire thing exceeded the post character limit) so make sure you click the link for Part 2 at the end of Part 1 and don’t miss the big *climax*.

If you’re new to this story, here’s [Chapter 1]( and [Chapter 2](

Hope you enjoy round 3!

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# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 3 | Caught In The Act
## Part 1 (of 2)

I woke late the next morning. I think my body needed some time to recover; between barely sleeping the night before and the sheer amount of masturbating I had been doing since arriving at the beach house, it’s safe to say I had exhausted myself. But I slept pretty well, I could vaguely remember dreaming about being back on the beach with the woman and the frisbee, but not quite enough to make out the details.