(M)y (F)irst Tinder Experience

I match a guy on tinder who was trying to convince me to meet him so that he could help me explore my sexual desires. He added me on snapchat and sent me pictures of his body and videos of him jacking off. He was very attractive and I really wanted to take him up on his offer, I was just scared because I never met someone off of tinder before. Finally, he sent me so many things that tempted me that I gave in. I did what I thought I would never do and met him at his house.

As soon as I walked into the door of his house, he turned me around and wrapped a blindfold around my head. He then took each of my wrist and put a zip tie around them. He started to lead me through his house while he grabbed my tit. There was something so exciting about not knowing where I was headed. Finally, he told me to get on my knees. I ended up being at the foot of his bed. He shoved my head down so that my stomach was laying on his bed and took each wrist and connected the zip tie to something so that both of my arms were restrained. There I was, blindfolded and tied up in a house I have never been before with someone I barely knew. My heart raced as I wasn’t sure what was going to happen next.