“Opening a Personalized Present” – Continue the story in the comments section…

**Read the story below and then continue the tale by adding to it in the comments section!**

Today was the day Max had been waiting for. After six long weeks of torture, the package he’d ordered from a custom tailor on the other side of the country had finally arrived, and it was now sitting on his bed.

Bursting with excitement, Max took a knife to the box that held his present and tore it open. He peeled the cardboard edges back and stopped to take in what he was seeing.

Folded neatly at the bottom of the box was a large square of light blue cloth. A note sat on top that simply said, “Enjoy your new gift.”

Tossing the note aside, Max touched the blue cotton fabric. He couldn’t believe how soft it was; it nearly melted in his hands. Eagerly, he grabbed the top of the cloth and pulled it up and out of the box.

At first, the long piece of cloth seemed to never end; it just kept unfolding and unfolding from the box. But eventually, the bottom half broke free of the package.

“Here We Go-gan” — A Pete’s Dragon 1977 Buttonsack Fanfic

*This short story is a work of fiction intended for entertainment purposes only. All characters portrayed in this piece are of legal age. Any resemblance written characters have with real-life individuals is strictly coincidental.*

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Pete dashed around the corner with Dr. Terminus following closely on his heels.

“He’s in there! Come on!” Terminus pointed toward the large warehouse doors ahead.

“Elliott! Elliott!” Pete exclaimed as he shoved the doors open and burst in. Then he froze, uncertain by what he was seeing.

Within the warehouse was complete and utter chaos. Shouting boat workers – about fifty of them – were laying out layers of nets and tarps that were connected to pulleys attached to the ceiling above. Judging by the thrashing that was happening under the tarp, there was an obvious malfunction of some sort that they were trying to figure out.

What was even more peculiar, however, was the absence of the large green dragon that Terminus had told Pete would be here.

Terminus looked at the flailing tarp with the same bewilderment that Pete expressed.

“Did you say the primary was really the tertiary?” Hoagy asked nonchalantly as he walked up to Terminus and Pete.

The Not-So-Sweeter Side of Magic (A Post-Harry Potter Fanfic)

It wasn’t often that the students at Hogwarts actually got time off from their studies — like, real time off.

The weekdays were typically packed with classes from 8-5 p.m. or later, and the weekends were primarily for students to congregate in the library and dormitory halls to finish the homework that had piled up the week before.

Today was different, though. On this particular Friday, all classes had been canceled in celebration of Headmaster Snape’s retirement. It would be sad to see him go – especially after serving the school for nearly three decades after the former headmaster, Dumbledore, had passed away – but Snape deserved to live out the final parts of his life in whatever way he saw fit.

Not to mention, any time off from class was a welcomed gift, even to someone as educationally driven as Taylor Rosin. Sure, she would probably hit the library with Evan later, but for now, she was free, and she intended to enjoy it.

A rare day such as this permitted some spontaneous behavior. Taylor had taken her broom from the keep and rode it to the furthest edge of the school grounds — an alcove in the forest with a stream running beside it that was away from the usual hustle and bustle that consumed Hogwarts.

Warehouse Run (a story about kidnapping & sack encasement bondage)

That was it. With a dead end looming ahead, she had nowhere else to run. She was trapped.

“Looks like your time’s up, missy,” Roy smirked as he grabbed Sydney firmly by the arm and spun her around to face him.

She tried to resist him, but she was no match for Roy’s strength — not that it mattered. Willis was close behind his comrade.

“Yeah, you’re cornered,” Willis chuckled, grabbing Sydney’s other arm, finalizing her detainment. “You’re not getting away again.”

“Let go of me!” Sydney screamed, but it was futile. The boys wouldn’t listen, and the nearest pedestrian was miles away. All there was left to do was wait for what came next, and he came just as expected.

Out of the night rolled a black sedan, windows tinted the same color as its menacing paint scheme. Unfortunately, Sydney knew the person inside was even more sinister than the sedan’s presentation.

“Now, now, darling, don’t struggle. You’ll only make it harder on yourself,” Bauer’s gruff voice pierced the night air as he climbed out of the car.