[FF] 18 – turns out im bi

Me and my friend Elsa are having a quiet girls’ night — drinking wine, eating chocolate and watching a movie. We like hanging out and chatting (well, gossiping, i’d have to admit) and after a while we’re snuggled on the couch in comfy leggings with my feet up.

“I like this wine,” i say, taking another sip of Prosecco. Then i giggle. “These bubbles are tickling my nose.”

“You’re so cute,” says Elsa, in an offhand manner that makes it sound like it’s just an observation.

“So what movie did you get?”

Elsa reaches for the remote. “I thought I’d try something different tonight. I thought maybe you’d like it.”

“Oooh, I’m intrigued,” i laugh.

Elsa hesitates for a moment, gives you a strange look, then takes a deep breath. “Okay, then.” She presses play on the remote.

You watch for a few minutes. After a while, i feel compelled to mention, “Elsa, is this one of those ‘so bad it’s funny’ movies? Because these two chicks can’t act for shit.”

“It gets better, trust me.”

“Okay, because I don’t think I’m drunk enough to appreciate it yet.”