Unexpected Blowjob at Thrift Store Urinal [MM]

Went to a local, relatively large thrift store today around 1pm with a buddy. The store wasn’t real busy.

Soon after we arrived, I realized I had to take a leak pretty bad. Went into the bathroom (two stalls and two urinals with a divider). It was empty. Went to a urinal, pulled out and started emptying. I was already horny AF, so being alone, I thought “Might as well rub one out”.

Then the I hear the door open and a decent looking guy pulls in next to me. I stop and stare down into my urinal like I’m having trouble but I don’t hear any peeing sounds, so I look over at him in the face and he looks back.

This is different for me. I think “Okay, maybe he’s doing the same”. So I look at him again and then lean over the divider to look. Sure enough, a nice 5-6 cock is in his hand being stroked. He immediately peers over at mine. Then I hear the bathroom door open again. Some dude comes in goes into a stall and takes a loooong leak. All the while, he and I are quietly stroking ourselves. The new dude leaves.