A morning with my Dream Girl. [MF]

I once dated a woman who worked as a horse rider a few towns away. She had hazel eyes, a sweet smile, spoke with an adorable accent and laughed easily and often. If I’m honest, she was the tall, brunette athletic type I caught myself dreaming of being with since I’ve been old enough to have a preference.

Our first meeting had been everything I could have hoped for – we went for a hike and got caught n the rain, it was playful, adventurous and passionate, I was obsessed.

Our relationship was only a few dates old and we lived a long drive apart, so after the wild successes of our first meetings we agreed to make the most of it the next visit and sleep over. When I arrived she greeted me at the door in black lacy lingerie and her feet didn’t touch the floor for the rest of the night.

I woke up to her curled under my arm, her head on my shoulder and her dark, silky hair tickling my neck. I kissed her forehead and she stirred, murmuring about a few more minutes rest and wound herself tighter around me like a hibernating snake. I smiled and let myself drift back to sleep as the fingers of my trapped arm traced gently over the skin of her back.

Taming a wild one. Pt.1 [MF]

When I first met her I was newly single and still trying to find my feet again, that I stumbled into her without all my wits about me was somewhat cruel, but that’s life. I’m a sucker for strong women, we had an instant rapport and a lot of fun jousting back and forth through text, I couldn’t know what I’d gotten myself into. The best word to describe her was(and still is) fierce, a statuesque 5’10, slender but strong, busty and with a mane of flaming red hair spilling down her back – she owned herself and her sexuality utterly and loved the power that gave her.

On our first date, I had naively intended to take things slow, but after a long kiss and wandering hands, she told me, clear and cold, that if I left that night without fucking her, I was never coming back. She texted me a photo the next day of my raised handprint on her ass saying “I’ll need that again before this fades.” I had passed my test it seemed. Our sex was frequent and feral; teeth, fingernails, sweat and even a little blood were the norm. Every time she met me at the door with a look that dared me to try and break her and I obliged. I’m an athlete and I take pride in my size and stamina as a sexual partner, I was used to women tapping out, needing time to recover, or not being up to the intensity I could bring. It was the norm that I expected but I was always wrong. I had, truly, met my match.

My Thailand Rebound [MF]

A few years ago I had traveled to Thailand with my gf of a year on a two-month trip designed to “test” the relationship before we “moved forward” together. We had been through a lot together and were very much in love, but the sad truth was our relationship was doomed, a slow train-wreck well-set into its final collision. After several weeks of winding along the tourist tracks of SE Asia trying to salvage what was left of us, our partnership collapsed and died on the rocky shores of a southern Thai island.