My English is not very good, hope you’ll understand.
Backstory: About a week ago, my daughter brought my iPad to school for one of her classes. The next day, she returned it to me. I found that she logged in of her iCloud account on my iPad and forgot to log out. As a result, my iPad started to download her photostream from her iphone. I was curious about her daily life outside the house, so I took a look at her photos. There are tons of photos, and I saw a lot of nude selfies of her. It seems inappropriate for me to look, but I did learn a lot about what’s she’s been doing out there every day from these photos. I know what I’m doing seems wrong, but I couldn’t help it. There are some very sexualized photos, As I went through all of her photos, somehow I felt aroused. She’s younger and beautiful. I had never felt sexually attracted to my daughter, but now I start to fantasizing her from time to time. My iPad still update her photo stream from her phone everyday. My wife and my daughter haven’t noticed anything yet. I know this is wrong, but I can’t stop myself.