[M]y incredibly hot semi-public encounter with a [F]lirty backpacker (Part 4) Hotel Room Adventures

**Day 2**

We had been in each other’s arms for what seemed to span an age. I wouldn’t and couldn’t let her move even if she wanted to. Just us intertwined, her soft skin against mine till she woke. We had never actually spent a night together and it just felt so fucking right.

I think secretly we were both awake but such was the moment we were experiencing we were both just enjoying each others touch and presence, neither of us wanted to be the one to spoil it. As the sunlight started to begin to creak through the curtains and the noise of traffic picked up outside. We eventually and somewhat reluctantly unwove our bodies and made out some more before I lead her to the shower.

We smelled of pure sex, the room we were in smelt of a previous night of intense passion and hotness. It was getting actually me going on pure instincts, she was getting me going such was her beauty and amazing body. She looked so fucking good sex hair and a bit bleary-eyed, but so fucking joyful, smiling and tempting. Her lips plump, her natural beauty still radiating. I glanced at myself in the mirror I looked like some kind of neanderthal vagrant, thankfully she did not seem to mind so much.

[M]y incredibly hot semi-public encounter with a [F]lirty backpacker (Part 3)

This is a continuation of [this story](http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7f4ghd/my_incredibly_hot_semipublic_encounter_with_a/) of when I met the woman of my dreams in the actual flesh for an all too brief moment in time.

We ended up meeting again in Amsterdam which you can read [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7fs30a/my_incredibly_hot_semipublic_encounter_with_a/) and we met again before she went home when she [surprised me at Christmas](http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7mrlej/a_very_unexpected_surprise_christmas_fucking/)

But I was asked by a few would I write what went on in the hotel in Amsterdam when we met again and could I give some details, so here is day one.

**Day 1**

My hand was way up her dress and on her firm ass as she was guiding us to the hotel room door. I was tunnel visioned, like a bull only seeing red. All I wanted was to get beyond that door and have my way with her. Spend time with her in an environment of not having to worry could we get caught or be interrupted. The object of my desire, my dream girl in the flesh all to myself. I even joked to her as we made it past the door we will not see all that much of Amsterdam as we are not leaving this room.

A very unexpected Surprise Christ[M]as [F]ucking

This is in a way a continuation of this story [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7f4ghd/my_incredibly_hot_semipublic_encounter_with_a/) and [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7fs30a/my_incredibly_hot_semipublic_encounter_with_a/). But I didn’t want to write it as a continuation as its sort of personal and it’s own thing I shared at Christmas.

It was two days before Christmas eve and I was out early getting some last minute shopping done as it was my only opportunity to do so before I spent the Christmas break with the family. Something didn’t feel right however and I just wasn’t feeling in the Christmas spirt like I normally would but something or maybe it was because someone was missing. I knew that amazing girl I met earlier in the year was heading home to Australia to be with her family. But I was hoping I would hear from her before she left as it had been a while since we last chatted. Although I was out early in the hope of avoiding crowds and crazy shoppers it proved to be fruitless. It didn’t seem to matter where I went Christmas shoppers were out in force. Maybe I was just aware of it being on my own but everyone seemed to be couples out shopping and made me think more of her.

[F]ucking so[M]eone else’s very hot date at a dinner party surrounded by guests

This is a story of how a bit of a tall tale from my teens led me to one very interesting and hot situation involving a stunning girl, her unaware date and surrounded by a group of people. Some I knew, some I didn’t.

Firstly though a little bit of back story when I was in my final years of school, part of our final year two years involved a trial scheme were we had to get work experience for a term to prepare us for employment in the real world. At time I had a weekend and evening part-time job in a hospital so felt I was getting plenty of work experience by actually working and getting paid for it. And the thought of being someones errand boy did not sound very appealing.

I was friendly with the physiotherapy department staff most in the hospital. When I was skiving off work I would hang out down there and chat with them most. I asked the head nurse who was always fond of me, if she would mind if I said I done work experience in their clinic on the days we were allocated. She was happy to oblige. So for the few months of each work experience term. I had nice lazy days while everyone else I knew was partaking in slave labour being gofers. I dared not tell my class mates or friends the truth of my non work experience in fear of spite they may expose me.

Who said Long Distance can’t be [f]ulfilling? It’s just got to be done fucking right. All in with all you got! [M]

I feel this story deserves to be r/gonewildstories worthy as any other story posted here even though it’s a bit different than the standard fair of what is posted. It was hands down one of the most amazing intense hottest encounters I have experienced and what makes it all the fucking more crazy she was the opposite side of the world to me and I feel we broke reality and all fucking logic itself in one particular online encounter.

I am just not sure readers of this story will find it as hot as I feel it was, but I will try my best to give the story the justice it deserves.

A bit of back story. I am a tall, I like to think friendly, somewhat decent, reasonably ok looking guy in his early 30’s. I had been single a while, feeling all unlucky in love and unwanted. I had tried dating apps to not much joy.

[M]y incredibly hot semi-public encounter with a [F]lirty backpacker (Part 2)

This is a continuation of [this story](http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7f4ghd/my_incredibly_hot_semipublic_encounter_with_a/) of when I met the woman of my dreams in the actual flesh for an all too brief moment in time earlier this year. I had some request for updates and did we keep in touch? So this is currently how things stand and a continuation of sorts.

She was somewhere else in the world and I felt more alone then ever. I tried to pass it off as some hot fling and what an amazing fucking fling to have. But it was more than that. Our encounter was more than just adventurous fucking or epic sex. It was a connection, we had so much in common, I loved getting to know her. I truly believe it was no chance meeting and there was/ is a purpose to why we met. From the day she left I couldn’t get her out of my head and my life went from an all time high when I met her to an all time low as I just missed her so much. Our chats were the best, just knowing her was the absolute best. No one turned me on like her. No one I have ever wanted to know like I do her.

[M]y incredibly hot semi-public encounter with a [F]lirty backpacker

I work a fairly mundane office job, I hate the job, don’t particularly click with my coworkers and basically just exist in a career that kills my soul to just make do and pay the bills. It is not what I saw myself doing at fucking 33 years of age I can tell you that.

I am a single, tall, bearded, well-built average looking guy, blue eyes, nothing particularly special to look at. I always claim my personality; mind and sense of humour are my stronger more desirable features.

Nights out with friends at a hip trendy late bar are my way of letting loose, and this Friday night was no different, out with some friends at a local pub drinking away. Only this night was different; a vision of a woman enters, she transfixes me. She had long brown hair, average height, piercing blue eyes, the kind of eyes that could hook any guy in with her gaze, amazing long legs on view in a short dress, a beautiful smile, true natural beauty and incredible body. My dream girl in the flesh.

[MF] My super fucking sexy online hot chat encounter that feels like it broke science & reality itself

I feel this story deserves to be r/gonewildstories worthy, as it was hands down one of the most amazing intense hottest encounters I have experienced and what makes it all the fucking more crazy she was the opposite side of the world to me and I feel we broke reality itself in one particular online encounter. I am just not sure readers of this story will find it as hot as I feel it was, but I will try my best to give the story the justice it deserves.

A bit of back story. I am a tall, I like to think friendly, somewhat decent, reasonably decent looking guy in his early 30’s. I had been single a while, feeling all unlucky in love and unwanted. I had tried dating apps to not much joy. I am a very sexual person but I know how to suppress it when I am not getting it, as I feel sex is about connection as much as anything. I am sure I could easily have casual no strings attached sex if I truly wanted to find it, but it is not me. I truly love sex, its on my mind constantly, but to enjoy it I need passion and intimacy and the lack of female interaction, connections and them feelings was starting to get to me.

How a tall tale involving me [M] lead to one very unexpected sexy encounter [F] with a hot stranger

Ok I am not sure how r/gonewildstories worthy this is, but how and ever here it goes.

This is a story of how a bit of a tall tale lead me to one very interesting and hot situation involving a stunning girl, her unaware boyfriend and surrounded by a group of people. Some I knew, some I didn’t.

Firstly though a little bit of back story when I was in my final years of school, part of our final year two years involved a trial scheme were we had to get work experience for a term to prepare us for employment in the real world. At time I had a weekend and evening part-time job in a hospital so felt I was getting plenty of work experience by actually working and getting paid for it. And the thought of being someones errand boy did not sound very appealing.

I was friendly with the physiotherapy department staff most in the hospital and asked the head nurse who was always fond of me, if she would mind if I said I done work experience in their clinic on the days we were allocated. She was happy to oblige. So for the few months of each year each term. I had nice lazy days why everyone else I knew was being a errand boy. I dared not tell my class mates or friends the truth in fear of spite they may expose me.

[MF] My hot sexy outdoor after work one time only encounter

I work a fairly mundane office job, I hate the job, don’t particularly click with my coworkers and basically just exist in a career that kills my soul to just make do and pay the bills. It is not what I saw myself doing at fucking 33 years of age I can tell you that.

I am a single, tall, bearded, well-built average looking guy, blue eyes, nothing particularly special to look at. I always claim my personality; mind and sense of humour are my stronger more desirable features.