23 [F] Gender neutral showers

So I went to a new yoga place the other week for the first time. The changing rooms where gender neutral which was a bit odd at the start but I’ve been to swimming pools with a similar open plan layout so it wasn’t that crazy to me.

After the session (it was a hot yoga where they heat the room pretty hot) I went to the changing room again and wanted to take a shower. This is wear I was a little surprised. I was expecting that although the changing rooms were open plan they’d have shower cubicles, but they didn’t. They had a long corridor of showers, with about 6 showers on each side.

By the time I realised I was kind of already in the shower room. I kept my underwear on because I didn’t feel comfortable taking them off and took one of the showers.

The room pretty much filled up after the class with almost a 50/50 split of men and woman, and I swear I was the only one not fully naked 😂