[GM4F] Welcome to Variatis, Apprentice, Paragon to the world of Primos

It is 39 A.P. (after pandemonium), and peace is a new concept for the Sanguine, or those who survived, scrounged, and sacrificed for this newfound tranquility. The Pristine know nothing about this, being the first generation born into a time without war and mayhem. Still, peace is delicate, and must be tended carefully to be maintained.
All apprentices must be guided by a master in their craft, so say the Laws of the Guilds. Nearly every profession is led by a Guild, so navigating a barter, trade, or contract is always carefully considered. The Guilds helped to end Pandemonium, and, therefore, have equal (if not greater) power and authority than the governments themselves. Nonetheless, each of the five great nations are headed by a government that is as different as the next. After centuries of anarchy and chaos, the general populous are eager to follow those with such authority. But the wise know that “absolute power corrupts absolutely,” and thus walk that line with caution. Nonetheless, those few, elite members of a Guild are treated with admiration and respect, revered by the peasants doomed to the lowest class of society.
That deities exist is an immutable fact. People from all walks of life have given first-hand accounts of “divine intervention.” Whether these deities are helpful or harmful, active or reactive or hands-off, orderly or chaotic, these are the true questions of the devout and defiant alike. This generally follows political lines, as Pandemonium had blurred the lines between societies, races, and ethnicities. Equally indicative is that certain avatars have been known to appear only in specific geographical areas. Still, their machinations are a mystery to the common and elite alike.
To be sure, the use of magic, both commonplace and exotic, is proof enough of divinity, let alone the single-known continent being of “intelligent design” as a massive pentagonal landmass. The five nations of Primos align with each section of the continent. There are the Cogsburrows, a nation of artificers and engineers who have equal expertise in mechanics as magic. There is Druidic Circle, which is populated by those who value the balance and protection of nature as their most important value. The Mythal Serine have taken magical use to their known limits as both an art and a science, and striving to push even further. The Burdihr strove for law and order for generations, laying down the precursor for Guilds with their keen knowledge of mining, smelting, and crafting. Last, but certainly not least, are the Dragun, a war-like people whose nation stood unopposed during Pandemonium simply because their society was already built on the concept of “might makes right.” Had they felt like conquering the other nations was worthwhile, Pandemonium could’ve ended centuries ago. Instead, they felt that doing so was an unfair fight, and unworthy of their prowess.
Though not recognized as a nation, the sprawling city-state of Variatis sits in the center of the continent. A neutral-zone for all nations, each Guild and Government has an embassy to represent their interests at Clemency, the world court where disputes are settled by an unbiased and neutral panel of judges.
You are an apprentice, arriving in Variatis to register with a Guild and be provided a master. The Guild’s Forum has the right to place you anywhere in Primos, so it may be years before you have a chance to return home. Yet you are still excited, knowing that just an audience with the Forum means someone, somewhere, has vouched that you have potential. You don’t know who it was, or even what that potential might be, but you know this for certain – when the golden seal of Variatis invites you to the Forum, it’s a chance to pull yourself from the dregs of society, and no one has ever been known to decline.
GM looking for anyone interested in taking a long-term dive into my homebrewed world. As described, it is a post-apocalyptic world infused with fantasy, steampunk, magic and more. Your character can be anything reasonably found in any of these settings, just don’t try to play as an elite, infallible powerhouse. Since content can be everything from PG-13 to XXX, this is for mature audiences only, and is posted in r/DirtyStoryWriting and r/eroticliterature. I’m willing to interact for individual subplots or continuous adventures. Exchanges can be anywhere from 50-70% Roleplaying, leaving 30-50% for combat and/or sexual content.
If you’re interested, DM me with a character concept, including a profession that will be a central aspect of your life. If you’d like to include sexuality, include your list of kinks and limits for RP, combat, and/or sexual content. My limits as GM include scat, beastiality (anthropomorphism TBD), inccest, child/children, rape/torture (veiled, and limits TBD).