At the front door she waited. Sitting in her service chair naked she daydreamed of swollen heads, veiny shafts, and dripping precum.
She hoped he would be home soon. Her mouth needed to be filled. The thought made her salivate and she started playing with herself.
The door opened and her heart leapt. She felt herself blush, warmth spreading over her naked skin.
My god she’s beautiful, he thought. He had been consumed by her all day. Usually he could concentrate on work, but today his mind drifted to her soft skin and her sweet smell. How he felt inside her, so close they became one. Explosions of pleasure and satisfaction.
He bent down and kissed her on the lips sweetly.
“I’ve missed you so much” he said with a smile.
She smiled back wide.
She straightened up and started empty his pockets into the dish. She unzipped his pants and reached in.
Her mouth watered when she felt him. Already starting to harden, she pulled him out and waisted no time, swallowed all of him. She loved feeing it grow and harden in her mouth.