Never Have I Ever [MF][First Time]

This is a really cute and sexy story I found on Literotica. Enjoy!


**Never Have I Ever**

by SmallTownPrincess©

Cassie gasped, jumping in her seat as the clap of thunder and splitting bolt of lightning across the screen lit the theater like daylight for an instant. In her momentary panic, she grabbed at the armrest, the fingers of her left hand finding instead the warm forearm of her fellow movie-goer and best friend, Andrew.

Their met eyes for a moment, hers still wide with residual surprise and his glittering with amusement. With a blush for her silly panic and for the unexpected touch, she took her hand away, crossing her arms across her stomach and turning her face back to the screen.

Recently, for reasons she couldn’t entirely understand, Cassie had begun to feel awkward around Andrew; too often she found herself blushing for small things, or giggling nervously, or losing the courage to do things like brush a hand through his hair or jump on his back for a piggy-back ride – things that a few months earlier she would have done without thinking.

One Night in Vegas [FFM]

We had been in Vegas for a few days now and having a great trip. My husband, Jim, surprised me with tickets. He had already talked to my boss about vacation time and made arrangement for my folks to take the kids. He had everything planned perfectly.

This was not unlike him. We’d been married for 15 years and during that time he has always been romantic. He is often planning little surprises for me. He makes me feel like I have a true partner at home. He always says that marriage is 60/40. With each partner trying to be the 60. He lives it.

The best part is that the loving husband, amazing father, and great provider, also comes with a bad boy side. He had more experience than me when we got married. He said in high school he noticed that every girl he liked had a bad boy she was dating, or had dated. They always complained after the fact, but, that person had got there first.