Revenue Fucking Boss’s Wife [MF]

Revenge Fuck the Boss’s Wife

I light the joint and inhale slowly, I lean back on the couch and wait for Rebecca. Smoke surrounds me, the smell of fresh marijuana is intoxicating. This morning my plan will come together, three months of conversation, planning and waiting. I consider myself a good man, I care, love and respect people. However, if you fuck with me, I have a evil side. This side tends to stay hidden, suppressed and does not see the light of day often. Tim was able to get my evil side to show, to come out. Tim is my former employer and what most would call a egotistical asshole who would be better off dead than managing people. I worked hard for Tim, and did my best performing the tasks of the job. I worked for Tim’s father for 4 years before he passed away and Tim took the company over. During those 4 years I loved my job, but since Tim took over, my life has been hell. Three months ago I am called into Tim’s office. He fired me for being late the previous month during a snowstorm, tell’s me he needs reliable people, people he can trust and count on. A friend who works at the company tells me a few weeks later that Tim filled my position with his good friend who was released from prison. At this point I am sort of over the whole situation and have been enjoying my new job. 

Devin: Class of 2020

Devin: The Class of 2020

It’s a Saturday afternoon during quarantine, the weather is getting nicer and the months of being reclusive are getting to my girlfriend Rachel and I. Rachel and I love wild, fun, kinky and passionate sex but since February the Govenor and this Virus have reduced our fun quite a bit. We talk to our swinging friends and vanilla ones regularly, but Zoom and Snapchat are not the same as face to face. Touch being close to someone will always be what we need.

Rachel and I were fucking like crazy when this stay at home order first started, but it has been close to three months and we are growing bored of the same ole same ole. This past Saturday we decided to defy our governors orders, and I wanted to get Rachel a toy.

Kat my middle aged play partner. [MF]

Find yourself a older lady

I have seen many middle aged women. I love women of all ages, and with age comes the willingness to be completely open and wanting to please. Younger women seem to not know what exactly they want or might be more reserved. Older women know what they want and are not afraid to let you know. I have done most of my bucket list things with older women. If you have never experienced an experienced older woman, I feel you should seek them out.

I met Norm and Kat on a swing website, they were somewhat local and they messaged me first. Norm and Kat were a mid 40’s couple who wanted to find a younger man to pleasure Kat. Kat told me that Norm would not watch or participate at all, he simply wanted to listen and be there when we played. They would host me. We spoke online for a week or so, and then KIK. Kat had a pretty smile, great breasts and a bit of tummy from two kids who were grown and out of the house. Kat was available to play on a saturday and my schedule allowed me to meet up. I liked Kat from the get go because she was down to earth, easy to talk to and made her want’s known. She told me she is down for anything but anal, which makes my job easy.

[MF] Ms Banking Lady

December 2017

Another Tinder Meetup, tinder has been wonders on this front. I had posted a profile seeking a casual Fwb. Being completely upfront about my intentions.

I match with this mid 20s female, white and what most would consider BBW. She had very nice and clear full body photos and a spectacular smile. We exchange the typical hellos and get the questions out of the way we both have about each other. We agree to meet for breakfast. While I enjoy Fwb I also want to meet them first usually and at least make sure there is compatibility. I need a connection to fuck usually, unless I’m too horned up. I try to be reasonable.

Breakfast goes outstanding and the conversation flows easily. She tells me she has to leave to go into work but wants me to come over that night. So we arranged to meet up at 8 at her place.

[MF] Anonymous is the Barn

I remember this night well. It was a hot summer night in Michigan, humid and 90. I was playing PlayStation alone. It was around 2012. The golden time of Craigslist. I loaded up the page and scrolled men for couples. Emailed a few local ones to see what would come of it.

I received a message from a man. He was 35, and he had a sun who was 21. All he wanted was a guy to come fuck his girl. He didn’t wanna watch. It sounded good to me, so I had him send a few pictures. I saw a beautiful woman, younger white girl, very cute. He shot me the address and I was on my way.

It was a 30 minute drive, I was hard the whole way. I would look at her pictures on my phone while driving. It was almost midnight. I arrive at what seems to be a small business barn. I park and walk to the door.