Rachel’s Voyeur Trail Run [FFM]

I descend down the hill at a brisk pace. My lungs struggle to take in the oxygen that is depleted from my running. My legs are tired and ache but I’m only halfway through this run. It’s a hot Michigan day, but on the trail it is shaded and feels cooler. I have never been a great runner. My father would always say “You’re not suited for distance Rachel, you’re a speedrunner.” I enjoy running these wooded trails because I rarely see anyone out here, so I’m comfortable wearing just a sports bra and my sport shorts. My blue sport thong is saturated with sweat and has been riding up my ass all run.I should have gone with the spandex. Sweat beads down my neck to my breasts where it saturates my sports bra. What was light pink when I started, looks like a light red. My hair is in a high bun and my headband is soaked through. I continue down the trail with four miles left before I get to my car.

Something strange going on in apartment 3A [MMF]

There is something strange going on at the neighbors across the hallway in 3A. Being on the top floor means it is usually quiet most times, I have no one above me. I’m in 3B just across 3A. Lately though it seems my neighbors are throwing a party on Thursday nights. I see people come and go from the apartment often. I spy through my door hole to the comings and goings. It always seems to be just men, waves of men and occasionally a woman will enter and leave the apartment.

I’ve never met the neighbors in 3A, I’ve actually only seen them a couple times. The occupants are a middle aged white couple, normal looking people if you ask me. The woman is petite, can’t be more than five feet tall.The man is on the taller side, tattooed and has a beard. On these Thursdays I hear loud music and occasionally loud banging, as if someone is throwing something against the walls. Last Thursday I was bored and stood by my door counting the men that would come by, 15 last Thursday. Tonight is Thursday and I will be doing the same thing.

Sucking my Mighty Mack [MF]

The Mackinac Bridge is the world’s 24th longest suspension bridge. It reaches a height of 552 feet and spans five miles over the straits of Mackinac. High wind speeds can shake the bridge and can make crossing the bridge seem treacherous. The views on a clear day allow you to see miles around you, from shore to shore. I’ve crossed the bridge close to 30 times, but i’ll never forget my 2012 crossing.

In 2012 I attended a university in the northern peninsula of Michigan. The thanksgiving break was a week away and I offered up a ride south on our university’s ride sharing facebook page. Students could split gas and save driving time if you drive with people who live in the same area as you. I was headed south to Grand Rapids and figured to give it a shot.

A few day’s later Tabby messaged me on facebook. I had met her a few times before at various parties but didn’t know her well. Tabby had a reputation though, she was on the Tennis team and from what I heard, she often hung around the Hockey players at school. She was heading home about an hour south of where I was going, but wanted a ride to Grand Rapids at least.

A Hearth Stopping Brew [M]

I’ll admit this is a bit of unorthodox writing for me, first time attempting something like this. Enjoy if you can.

A Heart Stopping Brew

My alarm wakes me from a deep sleep at 5:00 a.m , vibrating and playing the default alarm. I want to hit snooze but can’t, damn testing all day. “Marty, shut that darn thing off” my wife Heather mumbles under her breath facing away from me. I turn the phone to mute and rise up on the edge of the bed, for 35 years I have done this exact same routine. Same wife, same bed, same house and same job.

Morgan’s Ovulation [MFM]

For Morgan, a sexy friend.

The term mysterious is defined as difficult or impossible to understand, explain or identify. If you spoke to nine out of ten men and asked if you could fuck thier woman, they would find that question difficult or impossible to understand. It takes a special man to allow you inside of his woman. It takes a one in a million man to allow you to breed his woman when she is unprotected. If you met Matty and Morgan you would never know the mystery behind this couple. A happy mid twenties couple transplanted to my city a few years back. Matty a former jock and multi sport athlete who has always had a underlying taste for the same sex. Morgan a vivacious medium height brunette with a sexual dark side and urge to please.

The Glory Hole

A glory hole is a thin hole in a wall or other type of divide where a man inserts his penis to achieve sexual gratification. It’s anonymous, it’s mysterious, and it has one purpose. The purpose is for one person to orgasm, and the other to achieve the power of making someone orgasm. Unlinke sex, the glory hole does not care much if you are hot, attractive or lean and muscular. It’s a simple cock through a simple hole. With sex you try to have stamina, last a long time and have mutual pleasure. With a glory hole, speed is a skill and with great speed it allows the other party to reap the reward, a warm, salty load of cum as their trophy.

The Agreement [MF]

The agreement was a simple one, a promise made between two people. I’m not sure why I agreed to it, I’m sure the alcohol didn’t help. Last week I took my FWB Rachel out to dinner, neither of us want anything official but were too old to just hook up and dash. While out to dinner we both are drinking and Rachel is getting very touchy. “What do you wanna do tonight” she whispers to me after a drink of wine. “Sex when we get home” I tell her. “Anything in particular?” she whispers in my ear, leaning over. “We haven’t done anal” I jokingly say to her. She has turned down all my advances at it over the six months we have been seeing eachother. Rachel leans back in her chair, not upset, not happy, but thinking. She takes her wine glass and turns the bottom towards the ceiling, finishing the last of her red wine. “Ok, but If I do something for you, you do something for me” she says with a straight face to me. I am happy with her response and don’t really consider the agreement I made.

Rent Relief [MF]

Who says this pandemic was a bad thing? I’ll admit as a landlord the missed rent payments have been a bitch. The stress of my tenets is easy to see in their eyes, the way they talk and write to me with late rent requests. I’m more of a glass half full type of guy anyway, the way I see it, if you can’t prosper from this, then you are weak.

I loosen my grip on Amber’s head as she goes up and down on my cock, sucking fiercely. She sucks dick sloppy, and it feels fantastic. It’s amazing the effort a woman can put into sucking cock when it’s dependent on her not being kicked out of her apartment. Amber and her husband both lost their jobs two months ago and have not paid a dime to me. Something had to be worked out. Now before you get upset with me, this was Amber’s idea. See not only is Amber and her husband Brian both out of work, she’s 7 months pregnant.

Revenge Fuck Boss’s Wife: Part III [MF]

Part III
Two full weeks had past since I was able to see Rebecca again. A business trip for me, and a holiday away for Rebecca had made meeting unattainable. We kept in contact a bit while I was traveling, just texting, nothing sexual. Rebecca was letting me into her world and mind. I was starting to view her differently than I had the first night we spoke. Suddenly she was now attractive in my eyes, she had me lusting for her. The two weeks without meeting had gone quickly though, with the only issue being the challenge I put on myself of no masturbation. I was too busy working that I was unable to fuck which I normally always try to do when I am in a new city. Two weeks of no orgasm was starting to break me down.

My plane touched down on a Tuesday afternoon, I turned my cellular data on once the plane was on the runway and I received a message from Rebecca. She was wondering when I would land and If she could come over, Tim had a softball game that night until late. It’s amazing the effect of just a simple question, a simple text message. From limp to stiff, my cock practically makes the decision for me before my fingers can even begin to reply to her. I reply back and tell her a time to come by, and wouldn’t you know it, that works out just fine for her.

Revenge Fuck Boss Wife pt 2. [MF]

Part II
I step out of the shower, my body is bright red. I must have been in there almost forty five minutes, scrubbing away the combination of Rebecca and my juices. I always take very hot showers, my dick is soft and my balls loose, saggy, drained. This is the most I have fucked in one day since my High School days. After I dry myself off I walk to the bedroom, my phone is flashing blue. I opened the homescreen and saw a message from Rebecca. A video link is in our messages, my dick twitches. I click the link and it enlarges to cover my entire screen. I sit on my bed and press play.