I [F] got fingered by a stranger [M]

It happened on a flight. You know how as you you are walking down the aisle you hope you’ll be seated next to a super attractive man or woman? Well I’ve been lucky enough to have that happen on 3 of my last 5 flights and this was one of those times.

We were on our first of two international flights back home. We nearly missed it because of issues with airline ticketing so we were that family running to the gate as the door was closing. As I’m boarding, I see that I have been upgraded and am sitting 15 rows up from my husband and kids. Normally I may have tried to change seats on the plane, but I feel like Air France is not an airline you fuck around with; I take the upgraded seat.

It’s hot AF outside so I’m just wearing a little tank (no bra) and very short shorts, dressed much more casually than how I usually do when traveling. I find my seat and it’s a middle one (grrr), but then I look at who is at the window and my mood instantly changes. It’s a very, very attractive French man dressed impeccably. I’m slightly embarrassed at how casual I am, but I know the outfit is still cute. It shows off my legs and tits quite well so that makes me feel a little better. [Leg pic](https://imgur.com/a/ZgRO7ud ) for reference. 😉 I say a quick hello while I try to compose myself—and stop sweating.

I’m a married mom [F] who “accidentally” shared naked pics with my daughter’s soccer coach [M]

If you saw me at the office, at the gym, or picking up my kids from school, I’d look like any other regular mom. I’m friendly with a quick smile. What may not be as obviously apparent is that I’m an exhibitionist and I’m thinking about sex more often than not.

I love the rush of a flirty exchange. Whether that’s making knowing eye contact with a stranger from across the room, engaging in a conversation with my shoulder accidentally brushing against yours, or pulling up the hem of my dress a little higher, much higher, on my thigh to show you more. I love expressing those little moments of my desire—and connected sexually with you, even if only for a few fleeting seconds.

I [F] fucked my gym crush [M] in the yoga room

I workout hard and I workout a lot. It’s not uncommon for me to leave the gym a little wet, and I’m not just talking about sweat. And ever since my gym crush joined my gym, the situation has only gotten—well, wetter.

The attraction was instantaneous. For weeks we made eye contact across the floor, serendipitously lifting on adjacent machines, and somehow—just somehow—finishing our workouts stretching on mats mere inches apart. 😉

He was confident, muscular, with a perpetual gleam of sweat on his biceps. I’d never wanted to fuck someone so badly in my life. For the first time ever, I found myself [picking outfits specifically to get his attention](https://imgur.com/a/mG7W643), timing my squats during his set breaks so that I could feel his eyes on me from behind—just how I wanted him to take me.

Then one day, it happened. As he was finishing his workout, we locked eyes, a slight grin on his face, and quietly but sternly said, “follow me” and walked past me and into a dark yoga room.