Jade purposely stood in the front part of the crossfit class, clad in a revealing and tight outfit.

She was disappointed when Charlie (her instructor and reason behind why she took the classes in the first place) barely even looked at her during class, but she held her head high and did all the reps.

After class, Charlie left them to do their cool down stretches.

Jade was on a high child’s pose position, kneeling on the mat, legs parallel to the hips and chest down to the floor when she felt someone standing on her right. She looked up and saw a sweaty Charlie with nothing but his cycling shorts on, showing his bulge.

“Need help stretching?” He asked with a raspy voice.

“Yes” she said and went back to the high child’s pose position.

Charlie was pushing her upper back down to the floor, gently, while saying goodbye to the other students who were always so scared of Charlie’s deep stretches. “Push your bum down a little.” He said on her nape giving her goosebumps.

Jade positioned herself to a semi-low child’s pose while Charlie ‘s hands were on her hips guiding her.