Sex on the beach ver. 2.0 after some feedback I’ve made some changes more input is always welcome

“Wake up sleepyhead!”, Emma said to Sam as she shook him awake, Sam groaned and grabbed his head as he began to stir. Sam begins to grumble something but is quickly cut off by Emma planting a long, passionate kiss on his lips the couple were both only 27 years old and had been married for 5 years but the kisses they exchanged had not lost any of the passion over the years. The two continued to kiss, Sam’s hands traced Emma’s tanned skin he ran it down her toned back and squeezed her large, perfectly sculpted ass. Emma ran her hands up and down Sam’s body, he wasn’t exceptionally muscular but was fit, she kissed his neck as she felt his 6 pack abs and continued to move her to a part of Sam’s body that was exceptional. Emma catches herself and breaks off the kiss, she pants, her face is flushed, and her panties are noticeably wetter She clears her throat “W…we can save that for later todays our last day in Mexico let’s go to the beach!” Sam, who is disoriented and extremely turned out looks at his wife, then down to his rock-hard cock “You’re really gonna leave me like this?” he said feigning annoyance but knowing this will only make the end of the night more fun.