My Best Friend’s Wife [Cheating] [Dubious Consent]

I’m not saying she deserved it or was asking for it. I’m not the crass. I’m just saying you can’t blame me.

I’ve wanted her for years. I actually met her first and wanted her since that first day. But when my friend met her a few months later he fell in love while I just wanted her body. Don’t get me wrong, we got a long pretty well, at least in short spurts.

There was always a kind of energy between us, a tension built built from the fact that we were both heavy flirts. But we were also both really stubborn, and where she was a decidedly innocent person, I, obviously, am not. Even as a horny 20 year old, I knew things could never work between us.

I just wanted her body. My friend wanted to marry her. So I decided to stay out of his way. “Bros before hoes” and all those other dumb things single boys say.

But the idea of her never left my mind. More often than I’d like to admit I found myself imagining what it would feel like to have my body pressed against hers.

The Experiment: Part One [NC] [Stalker] [Drugged]

After many months of planning and testing I’d finally found the perfect subject. She lived alone, was collected and professional, and had a body with quite pleasant curves.

She hired me to remodel her bathroom but she couldn’t take a week off work, so she gave me a key and left me alone in her house.

Having a good reputation really does open so many doors.

Stage 1: Set up.

Stage one was the most practical and mundane but it was also filled with the most anticipation.

The first thing I did was sneak over the night before I started work and hid a gps tracker in the undercarriage of her car. I wanted to know where she was at all times.

Then the next day, in between doing the work she hire me to do, I started doing the stuff I actually cared about.

I searched her drawers and closet. Mostly professional and practical, comfortable clothes. Things that highlighted how desirable her body is while not being overtly sexy.

A Working Relationship [CNC] [Cheating]

I’d actually met her husband. He was a nice enough guy. He seemed to really care for her and they seemed really happy together.

But to me he seemed a little too nice – kind of soft. When I shook his hand it was like holding a wet piece of silk. The hands of a guy that had never done a day of real work in his life. He wasn’t a deadbeat or anything – I think he did something with computers, but he’d never done the kind of work that left his hands blistered and his back sore.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. To each his own. And some chics really like that – that softness.

But she didn’t. I was sure of it. She needed a guy that would come home from work, shove her against the counter and take her right there. A guy that would leave finger prints on her hips and around her throat.

She didn’t want a guy to light candles before they made love. She needed a man to shove her face into the mattress and fuck her like he was trying to fuck her very soul.

A Forceful Seduction [NonCon]

I had her in my bed by the time she woke up, somewhere in between still drunk and hungover. I’d tied her arms behind her back, a single sleeve of tight loops from wrists to elbows. She looked pretty woozy and was struggling, so I helped her sit up straight against the head board.

“Oh good,” I said, “you’re awake. I’m so excited to finally get started.”

Slowly realization started creeping over her face. She started to try to get away, though her movements were sloppy and uncoordinated. I put a hand against her chest and shoved her back against the headboard. It was almost too easy.

I hadn’t wanted to gag her before, in case she’d drunk so much she vomited and choked herself, but now that she was sitting up and I was keeping a close eye on her I figured it was safer. I grabbed an old t-shirt of mine and tore a strip off. I held her jaw with one hand, forced her mouth open, and shoved in the rag. It wasn’t a long term solution but it would work for now.

Meeting The Tease (part 2) [NonCon]

She broke me. That could be the only explanation.

At heart I am a really good person. I give money to charities. I like kittens and baby turtles. I help my little old lady neighbor carry her groceries in. I don’t have a violent bone in my body.

But she broke me.

All those weeks of teasing and flirting online, making me obsess over her, making me addicted to her. Then she just ghosts me. It was too much. I couldn’t help it.

I spent weeks using clues from our conversations to track her down. I planned out every detail of what I’d say to her over the hours of driving, scouring the city until I found her. Meanwhile she was probably on to the next guy, teasing him. Making him addicted to her too.

Then all my work paid off. I was staring at her through my car window, watching as she left work and headed to her car. She was so carefree. Not a worry in the world. The anonymity of the internet let her fuck with men’s minds without risk of consequences.

It was too much.

The Perfect Wife [Blackmail]

I had her. I knew it. She knew it.

I sat quietly and let her stew in the realization that her life was unraveling. I could see the gears turning in her head as she tried to find a way to lie, cheat, and manipulate her way out of it – like she always did. But she was stuck, and she knew it.

I knew she was trouble the first time my friend Dave brought her around. He was already head over heels for her, but I saw right through her. I touched her a few times that first night. Little things, like putting my hand on the small of her back as I walked past. That “excuse me as I scoot behind you” kind of touch, but I put my hand lower, and kept it there longer than any reasonable person would consider appropriate. And she leaned into my hand. Every time. Instead of moving out of the way, or acting uncomfortable, she leaned into the inappropriate touch of a man she’d just met while her boyfriend was just in the other room.

She liked it. She liked the attention, liked being touched.

One Year Contract day 46 [MDOM [Public]

“Are you ready for this?” I asked.

She nodded, obviously nervous but determined. I gave her a reassuring smile and brushed a strand of hair from her face.

“Good,” I sad. “Repeat the rules to me.”

“Greet everyone that comes. Provide whatever drinks or snacks they request. No one is allowed to touch me anywhere that’s currently clothed, nor am I permitted to perform any sex acts on them. No one is allowed to cause me pain above a 3 and nothing that would leave a mark. If anyone breaks a rule or makes me uncomfortable I let you know immediately.” She recited.

“Good girl. Everyone here will be a friend of mine. They all know my lifestyle and most of them are in the community to one degree or another. Everyone knows about you and I have clearly communicated the rules to each of them.

“If you get nervous you can have a drink, but no more than two during the course of the night. I want you aware the entire time.”

“Thank you sir,” she said.

Wedding Day [MF] [Cheating]

I stood in the back surveying the scene. It was perfect. The flowers were beautiful. The decorations elegant. Everything was exactly where it should be. Nothing was out of place, off center, or hanging crooked. It was the kind of wedding that most little girls dream of, like it had fallen straight out of a magazine.

“Are you here with the bride or the groom, sir?”

I smiled at the usher that had spoken to me, with pink rose pinned to his lapel and ornate service guides in his hands. “I’m here for the bride,” I answered.

“Very well,” he said. “The bride’s side is on the right. But you’re a little early. The ceremony doesn’t start for another 30 minutes.”

“No problem. I’ll wander around, maybe get a sip of water before I sit down.”

He nodded cordially as I left the sanctuary. I wandered around for a few minutes. I’d never been in a church that size. I felt like I could have gotten lost in there. But after a couple minutes I heard voices coming down a hallway.


I knew she was trouble. Knew it the minute I saw her. She was 100lbs of attitude in a 20lbs bag. Dark eyes, a wicked smile, and a body to make good men want to do bad things. She was a cat stuck in the rain, try to hold her if you want but you’re going to get scratched.

I was checking into the hotel when I saw her saunter in, sunglasses perched on her head, dress swishing with each step. A guy, obviously a boyfriend or husband, was half a step behind her his face tight with frustration. The must have been in the middle of an argument and she was trying to storm off as fast as her little legs could take her.

She glanced at me as she walked past, making eye contact for the briefest moment. But a lot was communicated in that brief glance. There was a wildness about her, an open defiance, but also an invitation.

She was a hungry, cornered lion – ready for some hapless fool to try to tame her, or for her next meal, whichever came first.

One Year Contract Day 2

It had been a long day. We’d gotten up early, had breakfast and went straight to her old apartment. I let her collect a few things: toiletries and make up, some clothes I approved of, and an old teddy bear she’d had since she was a kid. The rest we moved into a storage unit. She wouldn’t be needing any of it for the next year.

I’d put her in a simple t-shirt and leggings for the day since we would be working. But every time she bent over to pick something up her shirt would rise and highlight her shapely ass.

Every time I walked by I’d grab her ass, or run my hand down between her legs. It wasn’t the most productive way to work, but I loved touching her and LOVED her knowing I could touch her however and whenever I wanted.

It was late evening by the time we finished and made it home. We were both tired, dirty, and exhausted. I don’t know how she was feeling, but I was incredibly worked up. Something about that frazzled-hair, flush-face, “I just worked my ass off” look does it for me.