[MF] ~~happy?~~ birthday and some teenage misadventures, “Hello officer.”

It was a little past midnight and my new boyfriend had **just** turned 19 years old. We had been out watching a movie or something and he was now driving me home, but being the good girlfriend that I was how could I let the poor boy go home empty handed? I suggested we head to our usual spot; it was empty that particular night. Apparently it was a known hookup spot and during our past few visits it hadnt been unusual to see one or even two others cars with fogged up windows…

The place that we went to was great because there was no lighting at all, just some gravel to park your car if you wanted to go play a game of baseball. Of course it was past midnight now and we were there for a much filthier activity. There was also a bit of a drive to get to the gravel area so you can see headlights coming from a bit of a distance. As soon as we parked we crawled into the backseat and started making out. His mouth quickly moved to to my neck, he knew just the right spot to kiss. It felt so good I had to resist pulling away from him. He pawed at my breasts for a minute while I started to fiddle with his buldge, rubbing it outside his pants.