I [M]25 had her [F]24 naked by the end of that song. Or, how I fucked the girl I met in the elevator. #Luck

I(40M) was a late bloomer. When I finally found my stride in my mid twenties, I made the most of it and enthusiastically spent the next five years making up for lost time. These stories are from the days before I met my (now) wife. I can’t remember all the details but the story is true, although I’ve obviously changed people’s names.


The fact is that no more than 10 minutes after meeting Sarah, I was sliding my hands up her dress as she furiously clawed at my belt. This isn’t a humble-brag. I’m really fucking pleased with myself about this one. But, I still have no idea of how it came to be. And so, I attribute it to sheer dumb luck. It was a right place, right time kind of thing.

Anyway, let’s start at the beginning.

Unsurprisingly, when my boss Adam invited me to join his stag do, I jumped at the chance. However, the best man hadn’t made any plans for when the pubs closed, and the night was over far too soon for my liking.