[M] I got a happy ending massage

this is my first time posting here, I’ve lurked for a while. english is my first language, any mistakes are bc I’m a fucking idiot. posted from mobile so formatting may be an issue

this happened about an hour ago and I just got home. I’d heard rumors about massage parlors in/near my town doing happy ending massages and I was curious. I’ve wanted to go do it for a while, but I kept getting nervous and backing out. today I said fuck that and went for it.

I show up to the place just after 10 am and sit out in the parking lot for a minute trying to calm myself. I walk in the building and the wind chime they have on the door makes noice announcing the them that someone entered the building. This asian woman, hard to tell age; I’m guessing late 20s early 30s, asks me how long I want the massage and points me to a room after I answer. she says it will be $40. I give her cash and she left the room. this woman is about 5 foot 4, skinny, probably b cups. black hair ties back in a ponytail.