How I Discovered my [F]un Sexual Side….Kind of Late.

Mandatory long time lurker first sentence….it may be a bit long, so skip to the * * * if you don’t care for background story. It turned out to be longer than expected.

Unlike a lot of people on here, I was not the high school promiscuous type. I was kind of a geek actually. Goody too shoes, frizzy hair, loved science, mostly kept to myself, handful of similar minded friends. Inside, I secretly wanted to be the popular girl, wanted to promiscuous, but had no idea how to even start doing anything like that. I did get a boyfriend and we did some stuff, but nothing too out of the ordinary for that period of my life.

College comes and I moved to the dorms, thinking I was going to have the chance of being more sexual, but not really. I was way to shy to do what I really wanted to do. Most I got was an on and off thing with a friend which was mostly giving him head and sometimes we would fuck. I was too stupid and shy to ask him for…you know…more.