Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Sequel Part 2) (MF) (Wholesome)

# Intro

I’ve linked all the parts of the original story below, I’ve tried to write these new parts so you don’t *need* to go back and read them, but it certainly would help. If you like the story or have any comments please comment on the posts or dm me, I’m certainly open to criticisms!


[Part 1]( – [Part 2]( – [Part 3]( – [Part 4]( – [Part 5]( – [Part 6]( – [Finale](


[Part 1](


# Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Sequel Part 2)

“Now come on, I set up a movie for us to watch in the living room, we’ve just got to get drinks and snacks.” She took my hand and spun around, taking a brisk walk towards the kitchen.

Categorized as Erotica

Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Sequel Part 1) (MF) (Wholesome)

# Intro

Hi everyone, about a year ago I wrote the story “Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch”. It was fairly popular here but I was getting burnt out and decided to end it. Recently I’ve had the itch to start writing again and decided to pick the old story up. (Just a note, these parts are going to be around 1000 words, whereas the previous stories parts were around 2000. It just makes it a little easier for me to split up.)

I’ve linked all the parts of the original story below, I’ve tried to write these new parts so you don’t *need* to go back and read them, but it certainly would help. If you like the story or have any comments please comment on the posts or dm me, I’m certainly open to criticisms!


[Part 1]( – [Part 2]( – [Part 3]( – [Part 4]( – [Part 5]( – [Part 6]( – [Finale](


# Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Sequel Part 1)

Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch [Finale] [M19,F18]

I apologize for this taking multiple months but I just had no will to write and was having trouble figuring out how to end this story. Thank you to everyone who has followed along and I hope you enjoy the finale!

Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Finale)

I tried to respond but couldn’t. I was hesitant, while there was no reason to be. A beautiful girl wanted to take my shirt off and I was hesitating.

Caitlyn leaned forward and purred into my ear. “If you let me take this off you, I’ll let you take mine off.”

I groaned in response, that was all the encouragement I needed to not be unsure about what we were doing.

“Sit.” She nudged me back towards the bed.

I sat down as I felt my legs at the edge of the mattress. She inched forward at an excruciating rate, stopping when she got to my knees. Each of her hands came up and rested on my shoulders and she shot me a grin.

Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch [Part 6] [M19, F18]

This is part 6 of my series. I’m sorry for taking so long with this next part but I hit a bit of writer’s block. I wasn’t happy with how I was continuing the story so I had to restart multiple times lol. I’m not sure how many more parts I’m going to write, but I’ll try to post them in a timely manner. As always, critique is always encouraged! Thank you!

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Part 5](

# Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 6)

My heart and mind started racing. I thought Caitlyn was this sweet, innocent girl. Forget about innocent though, she wanted me to take her panties off.

I tried to speak but my mouth had gone dry. “You’d want me to do that?” I managed to croak out.

She was gazing into my eyes. “Yes, well I would if you wanted to go that far. But I like the answer you gave, I’m okay with taking this part slower. It could be more fun anyway.” She ended her sentence with a smile.

Oh? I’d like to know how she thought so.

Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch [Part 5]

This is the fifth part of my series “Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch”. You can find the previous parts listed below. It took me a little longer to write this part because I was having a tough time deciding where I want the story to go. Please let me know what you think and any critiques/criticisms you have. If there is continued interest I will be writing a part 6. Thank you!

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

# Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 5)

I pushed my lips forcefully to hers and moved my hands to either side of her face. There was no hesitation from her, she immediately placed her tongue to my lips, they parted with ease. Our tongues tangled when I let her gain access, it was sloppy and passionate. One of her hands slipped up the front of my shirt, tickling my chest with her fingertips, while the other was still on my thigh.

Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 4) (MF) (Wholesome)

This is part 4 of my series “Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch” I’m not sure how much longer this series will be, I’ll probably keep going until it the story doesn’t flow naturally anymore. As always, I appreciate all criticism and hearing if you enjoyed it. Previous parts are listed below.

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

# Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 4)

I drove all the way home from Caitlyn’s house on autopilot, I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened. We were supposed to be having lunch, now I’ve kissed her and we’re in a relationship of some sort? I was happy though, I mean this is Caitlyn we’re talking about, she’s great, I didn’t think this would ever happen with her.

When I walked into my apartment I glanced at the clock, it was 4:30. It takes 15 minutes to get to her house, so I needed to leave at about 7:40. She was expecting me at eight sharp, I didn’t want to get there late. I grabbed my backpack and emptied the contents onto my bed. I picked some things from my closet and stuffed them into it, I was bringing two days’ worth of clothes, just to be safe. I filled up the remaining time with some housework, a shower, and I did a load of laundry.

Categorized as Erotica

Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 2) (MF) (Wholesome)

This is part 2 of my series “Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch”. Any and all suggestions or critiques are appreciated! Thank you! Part 1 is also linked below!

[Part 1](

# Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 2)

As Caitlyn gently tugged me through her front door, a familiar scent hit me. “They’re chocolate chip cookies, I baked them before you picked me up earlier, I know they’re your favorite.” There was a plate of cookies sitting on the kitchen counter, obviously freshly baked. “Why would she bake cookies for me, did she plan on bringing me inside the entire time?” I thought to myself.

She got started on the coffee, it was an older drip-style coffee maker, so it was going to take a few minutes for it to finish. “While we’re waiting, do you want to get a grand tour of the place?” Caitlyn asked hesitantly. I accepted, the entire time we’ve been friends I’ve never been inside her house, we usually hung out in public places.

The house is simple, it has the ground floor and a basement. The ground floor has the usual kitchen, living room, dining room, and bathroom. She led me through each of the rooms, but they were all pretty self-explanatory. Once we circled back to the kitchen, she opened a door that led downstairs.

Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 3) (MF) (Wholesome)

This is part 3 of my “Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch” series, I will keep writing these as long as there is a continued interest. All feedback is greatly appreciated as I am still very new to this. Previous parts are listed below.

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

# Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 3)

Caitlyn and I slowly caught our breaths. My back was throbbing with every beat of my heart. I could feel a small drip of warm liquid running down my back; she had drawn blood when she ran her nails into me.

She pulled her forehead off mine and looked me in the eyes. I could see some dampness in them, there were tears starting to well. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen.” Her voice was hitching, and she was on the verge of crying. “I couldn’t help myself; I’ve just wanted to do that with you for so long.” Her voice broke and tears started to fall from her eyes as she finished her sentence.

Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 1) (MF) (Wholesome)

Please keep in mind that this is my first time ever attempting to write something like this, I’m not even any type of writer to begin with. All feedback is greatly appreciated, you can be brutally honest!

# Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 1)

I made plans with Caitlyn the night before, I was going to pick her up to go to lunch at noon. We haven’t seen each other since high school, she graduated earlier this year and I graduated last year. She and I were really good friends in High School, and we had kept very good contact since we each went our separate ways. She had gone away to college in the fall, and I had been at home working and going to community college. Despite this, we text almost every day and had the occasional FaceTime call. I think we both had stupid crushes on each other at some point in school, but the timing was never right for either of us.

Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 2) (Wholesome)

This is part two of “Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch”, please let me know if you are still enjoying it and if there should be a third part! Part 1 is linked below. Thank you!

[Part 1](

# Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 2)

As Caitlyn gently tugged me through her front door, a familiar scent hit me. “They’re chocolate chip cookies, I baked them before you picked me up earlier, I know they’re your favorite.” There was a plate of cookies sitting on the kitchen counter, obviously freshly baked. “Why would she bake cookies for me, did she plan on bringing me inside the entire time?” I thought to myself.