Coercion, pt. 3 (mf)

The day seemed especially monotonous. She sat in on two meetings as a recorder, noting each piece of mundane information on her laptop, every fifteen minutes checking the silver delicate watch on her wrist.

Sitting alone in her small office, she glimpsed her supervisor only once during the entire day as he strode pass with another suit, off to another meeting. He had not even looked in on her, never once even acknowledging she had bothered to attend work.

Feeling crestfallen, but mostly embarrassed, she sulked in her office for the remainder of the day. She had taken special care that morning, brushing out her long hair and placing it in an ornate bun towards the back of her head. She worse a knee length red and brown plaid skirt, with a cherry red blouse that buttoned up to a loose silk bow at the neck. She decided against stockings and simply put on a pair of candy apple red spiked heels. Under her outfit she wore her new black bra that clasped in the front, hidden by an array of beige lace that crept up each breast paired with a set of black panties bordered with a similar beige lace. She had applied her make-up with extra care, using water proof mascara elongating her lashes and similar eyeliner to darken her eyes and make them appear more round and large. She had applied a light dusting of rouge on her cheeks and applied a dark red, smear free lipstick.

Coercion – Breakdown, pt. 2

Amanda stared at herself in her full length mirror for several minutes.

Her brown hair was thrown back behind her shoulders. Her breasts jutting out from behind the lace of her bra, dark nipples barely hidden behind the white fabric. The blue pantia she wore were cotton fabric, a slight white imprint could be visible to the front.

She had been standing here since she drove home in a daze. Walking up the steps to her apartment, and sliding the key into the lock, placing her purse on the table; all actions of some other person now.

She didn’t know what to feel. She didn’t know how to feel. She stared at herself seeing the curves of her hips and her breasts. Her clear, creamy skin only mared by a splattering of freckles on her high cheekbones. She saw the slight space between her thighs leading down to her ankles and feet.

She needed to shower.

Turning from the mirror, she grabbed an extra large t-shirt and a red set of cotton panties. When she got to the restroom, she turned the water on, steam immediately rising from the base. She pulled the lever to divert the water to the shower head and waited for the water to resume steaming.

Coercion, Part 1 (MF)

(I apologize in advance for any typos, this was done entirely from an app on my phone. Feedback would be wonderful!)

She finally reached her vehicle parked along the treeline. Fumbling around in her purse, her fingers wrapping around the cluster of keys. For a moment she stood by the driver side door, the sun was setting in the distance, a beautiful mosaic of oranges, yellows and reds. She leaned back and closed her eyes. It was a beautiful night but it had been such a long day.

She was burnt out on her job. Working a desk for 10 hours a day, her supervisor not the most congenial person she’d met, weighed on her. She was thinking through the day. The man had gotten onto her for some of the simplest mistakes. A typo on an email she had needed to proofread for him that had gone out to the district; a numerical error that she had fat fingered had a price quote with a $10 discrepancy; and she had forgotten his dry cleaning two days ago and he was still upset about that, bringing it up twice today.