[MF] My friend’s boyfriend didn’t fuck her right. So I did. Part 2.

[Part 1 for the uninitiated.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/j3b3wn/mf_my_friends_boyfriend_didnt_fuck_her_right_so_i/)

Skip to **XXX** for the action.

The very next morning was break up day. Even though Amy wasn’t really into her boyfriend anymore, she had been with him for 2 years, so she was a little emotional. She hoped they could stay friends but wasn’t really rooting for it. He didn’t seem keen on trying to get her to stay either. She went over to his house early in the morning and called it quits. She texted me once she left his place.

**Amy:** It went pretty smoothly. He didn’t even care that I was leaving. Hurts a tad. Can I come over?

**Me (just waking up):** Sure. Should I grab some booze?

**Amy:** Yes, please.

I had a quick shower and jogged over to the nearby liquor store. I grabbed some beer, her favourite rum, and some coke.
She took a painful 45 minutes to show up at my door. She arrived in an oversized grey sweatshirt and sweatpants of the same colour. She was panting when I opened the door because she had jogged over to my house. She gave me a sweet smile and we walked into the living room together – I turned into the kitchen to whip up some breakfast and she headed straight to the bedroom. She came back in for a quick second to grab a beer out of my fridge.

[MF] My friend’s boyfriend didn’t fuck her right. So I did.

Skip to **XXX** for the action.

Back in college, I missed a few days of classes because of a bad internship that extended into the semester. I needed to catch up before my exams. One of my best friends, Amy, was the class topper. Now Amy was a stereotypical pretty college girl, but she was a runner. This not only kept her fit but also gave her the legs and ass of a Roman goddess. She was around 5’4″ with jet black hair and golden-brown eyes. She’d mostly wear simple t-shirts and light blue jeans. She’d wear black yoga pants a few days a week. I loved these days.

But Amy had a boyfriend of 2 years. She wasn’t really happy with him because of more reasons than one. But mainly because he was below-average in bed. He couldn’t tell a clit from a belly button. He was also extremely childish and would speak to her in a baby voice when they were on dates. I’ve met him once, and from his personality, I could tell she wasn’t lying.


[MF] My Tinder date lifted up her dress in a pub’s bathroom for me to fuck her

Skip to **XXX** for the action.

This happened on Christmas Eve, 2018. I was just out of a 1-year relationship. Two of my friends (guys) were my breakup companions. On December 23rd, we went out around 11 P.M to catch a midnight movie. I was sitting quietly during the annoying ads and trailers before ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’. My friends coaxed me to download Tinder and helped me build my profile. We swiped through maybe 50 girls before I shoved my phone in my pocket when the movie started.
They eagerly asked me to fish out my phone during the interval. They cheered when they saw that I had 3 matches and 1 text. I broke a smile for the first time in days. I jumped straight into the text. It was from a girl named Sam. I knew it was rare for a girl to text first on a dating app, but the guys made her seem like a unicorn. I sifted through her profile. She seemed fun. I couldn’t quite estimate how tall she was, but from her gym selfie, I could tell through her t-shirt and shorts that she had perfectly round breasts with a gently curved waistline that led to wide hips. Even though I couldn’t see her backside, I speculated that she’d have an ample, squat-generated ass.
Her first text was “Your hair is amazing! What’s your secret?” I replied, “Thanks! I grew it myself”. Decent reply, no? She replied almost instantly with a “Can’t wait to run my hands through it.” My friends were bouncing in their seats when I asked her out and she gave me her number. We decided to go to a posh pub at 6 P.M the next day.
I reached the pub and found her already sitting at our reserved table. She was in a beautiful purple velvety dress that clung onto her shoulders by thin straps and flowed all the way down to her ankles. As a butt connoisseur, my eyes darted straight down to her backside that was slightly squished because of the chair. It was exactly as curvy and thick as I had prophesized. I greeted her and she instantly took notice of my cologne. She complimented it and I complimented her dress. She had a shy and reserved voice.

[MFF] Part 3: The Threesome — My friend and I made each other cum in a sleeper bus on our way to a music festival

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iyj07h/mf_my_friend_and_i_made_each_other_cum_in_a/)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/izhvjg/mf_my_friend_and_i_made_each_other_cum_in_a/)

Aaron had to catch an emergency flight because he had class the next morning and had to make up his 75% attendance. I don’t know why he didn’t calculate this beforehand. Anyway, he left in a hurry. His departure gave way to what turned out to be one of the best nights of my life.

It was late at night when day 1 of the music festival was over. We invited Sofia to stay in Aaron’s room because her friends’ place was halfway across the city and our hotel was nearby. We gave Aaron quick hugs and the three of us walked slowly to our hotel. I wouldn’t say we were hammered, but we were definitely drunk. The girls locked arms as we sang Iron Maiden songs and walked to our hotel. We walked for almost half an hour. We reached our hotel room.

[MF] My friend and I made each other cum in a sleeper bus on our way to a music festival — Part 2: The Hotel Room

[Link to Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iyj07h/mf_my_friend_and_i_made_each_other_cum_in_a/)

Things weren’t awkward in the morning. Our bunk was bright like heaven in the movies. Vanessa lazily tried shutting the curtains to block out the sunlight. Her sunlit eyes looked like pots of honey, and her skin was glowing. I wanted to kiss her but remembered that it would be our first kiss. I saved it. I didn’t want our first kiss to be riddled with morning breath. Vanessa, Aaron, and I hopped off the bus and booked an Uber to go to our hotel. Previously, I had paraded about my interest in staying alone in hotel rooms. It was already decided that I’d be alone and the other two would stay together in the next room. Now this was before all the sleeper bus shenanigans. I didn’t want to stay alone anymore. I wanted to stay with Vanessa. Before we hopped off the bus, sly Vanessa had come up with a game plan.

**Vanessa:** When we’re in the Uber, sit in the front and casually ask me how I’m feeling.

**Me:** Why?

**Vanessa:** Aaron will ask me what happened. I’ll tell him I woke up in a panic from a terrifying nightmare and that you handled it amazingly.

[MF] My friend and I made each other cum in a sleeper bus on our way to a music festival — Part 1

(I’ll be using only the first letters of our names for anonymity).

It was May of 2017. My friend ‘A’ (21F) and I(22M) decided we should attend the yearly music festival held the next month. It was at a city about 800km(~500 miles) away. Come June, we booked our music festival and travel tickets. We were joined by A’s friend ‘D'(20M), and my friend ‘U'(23F). ‘U’ had friends in the city. To save up on hotel fees, she decided that she’d stay with them. ‘A’, ‘D’, and I booked 2 hotel rooms. One of us had to stay alone in one of the rooms. I called dibs. One thing about me—I love hotel rooms. To be specific, I love sleeping in just my boxer-briefs. This is one of the little joys of my life. I told them this. They laughed and it was decided that I would have a whole room to myself. To paint a picture of me, I’m 5’10”, kinda skinny, kinda muscular, short jet black hair, tanned skin, brown eyes, 2 nipples.