Just read this underrated [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dohcks/mf_girlfriend_showed_inexperienced_guy_how_to/) on this sub about a girl “teaching” her inexperienced friend how to fuck while at university. One of those hot but wholesome stories which took me back to my own experience at uni of introducing my geeky housemate to sex.
Me at the time: 21, continental girl who’s come to the UK to study. My housemate (“James”): 22, reserved engineering student from the English countryside.
Context: we both moved into a flatshare at the start of term. There were four other housemates and none of us had known each other prior. James’ room was next to mine. I quickly discovered his dark, sarcastic, intelligent sense of humour and was drawn in by it. He only used the kitchen to make tea (he didn’t cook, or even eat much to be fair) but if we overlapped I would sometimes follow him up to his room and we’d chat over tea. He got in the habit of leaving his door ajar, so anytime I walked past I’d poke my head in and ask how things were going. Eventually I was inviting myself in every afternoon or evening. I’d sit on his bed while he sat at his computer and we’d chat about random shit.