[MF] How I (33m) ended up fucking my recently divorced boss (39f)

When I decided to write some GWS stories I could think of three events in my life that I felt were worth writing up, and here is the final one.

Just over four years ago I started a new job. I was taking a bit of a risk leaving my previous job but it turned out to be the best decision I’ve ever made. I wasn’t unhappy at my old company but I loved everything about my new workplace (and still do). This was for a whole host of reasons but especially because of the people I was working with. One colleague I get on with really well is my boss, Katja. I’ve learned a lot from working with her and my career has progressed as a result. Not only do I enjoy working for her but we have a number of interests in common and I became friends with her and her husband Paul, often meeting up with them outside of work. The other big change in my life during this time was in early 2018 when I met my girlfriend Eleanor. From early on, our relationship felt more special than any other I’d been in and I loved her to bits.

[MF] Hadn’t seen her for 3 years, had my penis inside her in less than 10 seconds

This story happened a long time ago but I’ve remembered the details as well as I can.

When I was in my first year at university I was in the pub one evening and was introduced to Becca, who was a friend of a friend. I vaguely recognised her because we lived in the same accommodation block but we’d never spoken before. She was about 5’8″ with curly dirty blonde hair and a slim figure. We spent the evening chatting about everything and nothing, with me (still a virgin at the time) desperately hoping I wasn’t misreading the flirtatious smiles I thought I was detecting. At the end of the evening we walked back to our accommodation on campus and with a giggle Becca asked if I wanted to go up to her room.

Let’s just say that what happened next is hardly worthy of a detailed description on GWS but miraculously Becca wanted to see me again a couple of days later. We were never actually dating – we didn’t have much in common and we’d have been a terrible match as boyfriend and girlfriend. But for about four months we were fucking probably once or twice a week and Becca, who was way more experienced than I was, was basically teaching me to have sex.

Unexpected strip poker with [M]y [F]riend led to many orgasms being had

I met Freya at uni, when she was an undergrad and I was doing my PhD. Although we moved to different parts of the country after our studies finished, we generally pay each other a visit if we’re in each other’s part of the world for any reason. Until the events of this story we’d never been anything more than friends although there was one occasion as students when I remember her getting very flirty with me (possibly alcohol-induced), but I’d brushed it off as there was someone else I was interested in at the time, and Freya never pushed it any further.