[MF] My Wife (51F) and I (52M) had a mid afternoon meeting.

So we’ve been wrestling with a sticky tech problem all month, dealing with customer service from multiple companies, and ramifications that have been a bit challenging.

My (52M) wife (51F) has been rightfully upset. And we tend to give it a couple of days in between each set of calls to limit the frustration. Today she got word that it was all being resolved, and she was elated! I was up in my office and she called me to the top of the stairs and she shouted up to me the great news, had her keys in hand, and said “I’m going to get it all fixed.” On a whim I said “Wanna fuck first?” and she went “oh, hmmm… ” and looked back at me with a spark in her eye.

She came up the stairs and walked into the bedroom with me stripping along the way. She immediately dropped to her knees and took my awakening cock into her mouth. After a couple of sucks, the dog trying to come in, and my lady turning on the music and us getting repositioned a bit- she dropped again and took me back into her warm, welcoming mouth.

Still Crazy… [MF]

So I posted this the other day in the Daily Achievement thread of r/sex. That is such a temporary medium that I thought I would post here, too. I’m new to sharing these types of stories, so let me know what you think.

Yesterday, my wife (50) and I (52) had a whole long list of things to do on the property, a full afternoon of weekend work. Thankfully the rain held off and it wasn’t too hot, but the work was real: clearing brush, loading a trailer, moving firewood, using the weed whacker, dump runs, all of it was tiring work.

We came inside and had a shower. I had my hopes, but my wife was in for just an efficient rinse. We settled down for a late afternoon chill, watching some TV, and relaxing off the day’s activities. After an hour we were pretty cozy on the couch together, with my hand exploring her neckline, while she was cuddling up closer.