1) I hope you like reading, this turned out very very long… Apologies…
2) Backstory… I first met Chloe almost four years ago after my girlfriend at the time replied to a post Chloe had made on one of the nsfw subs searching for a bull.
I ended up meeting Chloe that same night. I picked her up from the train station and went back to my house where we fucked and took pictures and videos for her to take back to her boyfriend. And we’ve been friends and fuck buddies ever since.
3) Chloe is a beautiful, sexy and an almost permanently horny young lady. I hope she finds this story, enjoys it, and then with her permission I’ll enhance it with some of the many pictures and videos we’ve taken over the years.
4) Fast forward to now. I’m married to that same awesome girlfriend. Chloe is now engaged to the same boyfriend. And we still regularly fuck.
On to the night in question, late November…