So, this happened this morning and I wanted to share. My gf has had a mild concussion for about a week now, with a constant headache to accompany it. Now, this has mostly meant no sex. The couple times where we have tried, it hasn’t gotten very far before she can’t handle it. So needless to say, I haven’t gotten to cum with her. So, I’ve been super frustrated the past week and we’ve both felt bad about it. I’ve been able to sneak in some me time, but I have really been needing her pussy.
We have discussed in the past about me messing around with her while she is asleep, or her with me. Basically, we both don’t mind it and trust each other. But before this, nothing has really happened other than maybe waking each other up with our hands, or maybe me eating her out. We had tried to have sex last night, but as with the rest of the week, it didn’t last long. I was too tired last night to get myself off, so when I woke up this morning, I was very horny.