Riskiest sex I [M] have ever had with my coworker [F]

My coworker, Tiffany, and I had a pretty sexual relationship from the start. We worked together at Walmart. I approached her one day, making it pretty obvious I was into her. She didn’t seem to feel the same way, but was down to be friends. Things got sexual between us around the third day we were talking. There’s a brief intro, now to the story.

I was at work with about 3 hours left of my shift. Running the self checkout area. That’s when I get a text from Tiffany saying our mutual friend is having a small get together and I should go after work. I had nothing else to do so I agreed.

Tiffany showed up to buy a bottle of something to drink. She made sure to come through self checkout to see me on her way out. She had an i zipped hoody on and I immediately noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra. This is after we’ve already had a few sexual encounter. Very casual and we were great friends. It’s been all hand stuff up to that point. I commented on her lack of bra, and she pulled one side of the hoody aside and made a comment about how it was intentional for me. So now normally my mind was on one thing for that night.

[M]e and my lesbian [F]riend.

Recently found this sub and decided to make a throw away to share my stories. Some are going to be more tame than others, but I hope you guys enjoy regardless.

First post here, I’ll share a tame one.

So this friend, we’ll call her Hannah. I met Hannah while playing for a coed softball team. I was new to the team, so I didn’t know anyone. I played OF and she played OF next to me. I introduced myself immediately realizing how hot she was. Nice tan brunette, she has an ok ass, and what seemed to be a decent chest. We hit it off immediately, but as friends. We just clicked.

Over the months we got closer and closer. My attraction grew. We were at the mall and she casually said “yeah, my girlfriend would love this book!” She had never mentioned it before, but It’s cool. I was just a little disappointed. Oh well, she is a great person and friend.

We got to talking one day, and I just admitted to her that I found her very attractive. I had nothing to lose or gain so it wasn’t weird or awkward. She just said thanks and we moved on.