3. The debauchery of an Indian girl [FM] during quarantine.

[Part 1/3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gfbaai/1_the_debauchery_of_an_indian_girl_fm_during/)

[Part 2/3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gfx5tk/2_the_debauchery_of_an_indian_girl_fm_during/)

I woke up on Sunday feeling better down there. The swelling has subsided and so was the soreness. I laid down flat and felt sad that the weekend was already winding down. I had a ton of messages from my roommate asking for any more stories.. I left her at read, and turned over to wrap my hand around Mathew. He was still asleep.

I definitely wanted this arrangement to continue. I want to continue having sex with him. I however, was not ready for a relationship nor want to entertain a discussion on that. I assumed from what Mathew said, that he also was just enjoying the company and not expecting anything more. I was happy with that and pushed that thought to the back of my mind. I wanted to enjoy this day.

2. The debauchery of an Indian girl [FM] during quarantine.

[Part 1/3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gfbaai/1_the_debauchery_of_an_indian_girl_fm_during/)

Saturday morning, I woke up earlier than him. Probably because his apartment was new to me. Still naked, I went to the balcony to see the rising sun above the cityscape. Lounging on his deck recliner chair, I had a moment to ponder what just happened the day before.

I just entered a new realm. A domain of sexual freedom and expressions. I loved how he was uninhibited but not exhibitionary. I realized that I had been feeling the same, but had been holding up my sluttiness for too long and my religious beliefs and the culture in me will not dissolve even if I had sex. Or even if I had sex with multiple people.. I slowly drifted onto dreams about what I am going to do today with him/for him and how far was I willing to go. I knew couple of sex acts and popular sex themes form watching porn. But, never have I ever expressed my interest/desire even to my college friends or my current roommate. I also worried about how to get it started and how to overcome the pain.

1. The debauchery of an Indian girl [FM] during quarantine.

I wanted to write this down before I start forgetting the finer details. The following events happened during the recent 3 day weekend, and I will post it as a 3 part story for you, and for me. This will probably be long, and like a personal journal entry than an erotic poetry. Skip to ***Scene 1*** for the content.

**The prologue.**

I turned 26 on last Thursday, April 30th. Since India is on a lockdown, and we all have been WFH for the past few weeks, there was no big party or celebration of any kind organized for/by my friends. My roommate and I have been exploring new dishes to cook during this isolation period, and she suggested to invite my senior colleague and workout partner for dinner and movies that day. She wanted to try something new and elaborate.