[FM] Why Didn’t I try his cock sooner

I’m not sure what compelled me to actually have lunch with John, or in hindsight why I never spared much time for him in the past. Actually I know the justification of why I did, but it seems foolish based on what I’m about to describe. In any case, a little background. We met when we were both doing our postdocs in Boston, we were both in the same building but worked for different labs. Instead of meeting in the traditional way, I had a plushie hanging off my backpack that had fallen off, and he had picked it up and called out to stop me. I turned around and he assumed that I was more alert and coordinated that I actually was. In a surprisingly smooth motion, he knelt down, picked up and tossed the plushie back to me only to hit me in the face with it and managed to stumble forward and catch it again before it hit the floor.