My unexpected tinder flower [MF] continued.


My tinder flower was insatiable. We spent nearly every night together after that first night. There were no dates. No time outside the house. Nothing else. She would come over and we would devour each other.

That first night we had sex twice and I was stirred early in the pre-dawn hours by her giving what is, to this day, the best and sloppiest blowjob I’ve ever received. I didn’t cum from it, I had nothing left in me to give her, but the look of joy that giving me pleasure gave her was haunting. That smirk she had. She always had it. In the faintest amount of light creeping into my room at 3 in the morning with her handing gliding up and down my saliva soaked lap I could still make out that slight upturn to the corners of her mouth.

My unexpected tinder flower [MF]. Not short.

This story starts about a year ago. I had just come out of a year long relationship that had lacked any type of excitement. It wasn’t bad in any way but it just wasn’t going anywhere. As any normal and recently single 31 year old would do I fired up the dating apps. Bumble, Hinge and Tinder became the most used apps on my phone as I browsed aimlessly. Lots of boiler plate conversations with very little substance… you know the ones.

In my endless pursuit to swipe through every single female in my area I came across Daisy on tinder. She had a very nondescript profile. A few not revealing pictures and no bio whatsoever. The type of profile that quite honestly seems fake. None of the photos screamed sex or hinted at any type of flirtatious demeanor but none the less I found myself swiping right on her cute and unassuming self. We matched.