Two beds [MF 40s] [Romantic]

I purposefully reserved a room with two queen-sized beds. I arrived early.

The first thing I did was attach the straps to the corners of the bed by the window. I placed the cuffs on the other side.

I waited. Pacing.

Suddenly your gentle tapping. I open the door. I am awash with emotion when I see you. It is the deepest relief.

I’ve come to expect your aloof greeting. Very little eye contact. Maybe a half-smile. A comment about the curtains. But I know that is a temporary response.

I carefully take your hand and lead you to one of the beds. I sit opposite you on the other.

“Cuff me, sweet girl,” I say quietly.

You furrow your brow in confusion.


You toss your backpack on the dresser. Then you step towards me and wrap the cuff around my wrist. As you lean over me your hair caresses my cheek. Your scent fills all my empty places. Your cleavage sways softly in front of my face.

You fasten the second cuff around my other wrist and sit down across from me. I strain but cannot reach you.


That remarkable hesitation

when we meet

for the first time

at the coffee house

when I drop a silent half-note

into the melody

of our sparkling conversation

because I look at your face

and your smile


all my clever thoughts.



I said the bar is noisy

and I purposefully

act like

I’m trying to speak loudly

but actually

speak softly

so I can repeat myself

but I have to lean in

like a thief

who steals a sample of your scent,

a glimpse of the little muscles in your neck,

and the whisper of a touch as my cheek grazes yours

that sends heavy electrons

all the way

to the soles

of my feet.



under the stars

I realize

we haven’t bothered with a destination

then we stop

by a maple tree

still holding hands

we face one another

and then I see it—

Categorized as Erotica