[Group] If you’re a straight guy, you need to hear this. Something happened this Christmas that’s so fucking hot it’s ridiculous, and I need to talk about it.

Hey! If you’re a straight guy reading this, it’s fine, I’m straight too, and this story isn’t gay in the slightest. It’s just that something happened in my life these holidays that I need to freak out with someone about. Please hear me out!

So I’m part of a small, but very close friend circle of two guys and two women (me being one of the two guys). One of the two women, S, I became very close friends with during high school, and myself and S met the other woman in the group, L, shortly after high school.

We were a close group of three friends for a little while, until we met the other guy in our group, James.

We’re all in our late 20s-going-on-30s now, so it’s been a long time since then.

When we first met James, we decided to bring him into our group because he basically had no other friends, and had always struggled to make friendships. Were it not for us, he would probably have struggled to find friends to this day.