My Girlfriend Accidentally Made Me Cum With My Roommate In The Room [MF]

(True story)

A few months back my girlfriend (F) (we’ll call her G) and I (M) were staying at a hotel for a fraternity formal. It was a pretty expensive hotel, so we decided to split the room with my roommate (F) and her boyfriend (let’s call them R and B, respecitvely), who my girlfriend and I are both close with. The formal itself wasn’t anything to write home (or Reddit) about, so I’ll spare you the details, but the morning after was.

For those visual readers out there:

A little about me and my girlfriend— we’re both juniors at a small but well-known college. We’ve been dating for a little over a year and a half and have a great relationship. Physcially, I’m a little under six feet and lean but fairly muscular thanks to lifting. I’ve been complimented for my arms and V by many people. I’ve also been told by several women that I’m generously endowed, and even that my cock is ‘pretty’. I’m no supermodel, but I’m OK with what I’ve got.