[M]y first threesome with my roommate and friend. [MFM]

This is my first time writing something, so I apologize if it’s long and rambling.
I’ve always wanted to write about this. One of the absolute best times I’ve ever had. It’s the one I often think about whenever I’m self-servicing.

I don’t remember the exact dates, but they aren’t relevant anyway.
This happened several years ago in my old apartment in Queens, NY. (LIC for anyone actually familiar with the area. If you want to skip about 1/2 way that’s where the sexy stuff begins.

My good friend, let’s call her M, and I had been living together for a couple of years. We never dated, but had hooked up a few times, but mostly we were just great friends.
M is about 5’3”ish, very fair skin, piercing blue eyes, and a stunning smile. She also had a pretty amazing rack, and a great physique. You wouldn’t know it from how she typically dressed. Usually very modest, practical clothes, but when she wanted to she could knock you out!

So one weekend a really good mutual friend of ours was going to be in town for a couple of days and asked if he could stay with us. Let’s call him, Z.
Of course we say yes, we were excited to catch up with him!