Winter sun and realizing a mutual crush [MF]

We all play little games when we’re flirting. The whole business is the game of testing boundaries. Did I go too far? Did I not go far enough? 

The game I was playing today was not texting you. It was mostly me being insecure. Do you actually like me? Am I projecting? Are we just friends and I’m doing the one sided crush thing? So today was just laying back and fighting the urge to start our daily banter first. 

I shouldn’t have worried. Shortly after lunch you lit up my phone. 

‘Today is too beautiful. I just want to sit and the sun and drink beer’ 

Hmmm. Is this a date? Maybe this isn’t one sided at all? Certainly a good sign. Plans were quickly made. Obstacles overcome (why did the electrician need help now?). Within the hour I was riding through the golden afternoon light to your door. 

We made our way to the river. The dog had a stick twice her size and flared at the ends like a bone out of the Flintstones. We narrowly avoided throwing it over the edge of the salt marsh and into the shining mud of the river. Winter was breaking and the sun felt glorious. You took me to your favorite spot where the small creek you were living on merged with the larger river. The tide was low and the high clouds made fish scales above us.