My hearing was murky and muddled as I faded back into consciousness. In the center of my vision I could just start to make out the features of the face of a man. He looked kind with the deep creases of a smile, an easy demeanor, and gentle brown eyes. As feeling returned I could feel the soreness of my throat and rear, my legs still trembling, and my shaft still locked into an erection at this notion I could feel myself flushing. Until As feeling returned to my extremities I found that I had been bound arms spread on an operating table with no range of motion available straps holding me down at each joint and around my chest limiting my ability to breathe deeply. Then Bashfulness was again replaced with panic, I could feel a set of IV’s flowing Icey fluid slowly into my veins. “What happened, what have you done to me?” I said as forcefully as I could muster with the restriction of my chest.
“Oh me? I have done nothing to you at all,” The man lulled, I could now make out that he was wearing a double-breasted lab coat, long black gloves, a black stethoscope. “I suppose you don’t remember what happened to you before you passed out on the first floor?”