Punishment before Reward – Part 3 (Reward)

Read [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g9lca0/part_1_punishment_before_reward/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gbick1/part_2_punishment_before_reward/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) here

The next morning I got up way earlier than you. Normally I would have woken up by the knock on the side of bed, where you always sit carrying a plate with my morning coffee and a newspaper to read. But not today, today I was going all out. Today was going to be different. I woke and went to kitchen to prepare the breakfast. Your favourite one. After while I walked back into the room, you were still sleeping. I placed the breakfast at the side table and looked at you, laying naked in the bed with marks of my handiwork visible all over your perfect body. I was especially proud of the marks on the butt. At the sametime it almost made me swoon with proud at how brave you were in taking it all yesterday. I leaned in a little and caressed your butt for a while. Then turning my attention to your face I rubbed my hand playfully at your cheeks and planted a kiss at your forehead. This made you wake up, first there was a smile which quickly turned into fright as you realized that this wasn’t how things normally go in the morning. As you were about to say something I placed my lips onto yours, burying those words before they even came out. The kiss was long and passionate but it had to stop as I signalled you to go and quickly freshen up. Once you did that and came back into the room, you finally saw the breakfast lying over the bed. Biscuits, Sausage gravy and Bacon, With a cup of coffee. There was a smile and you sat down to enjoy the meal, still unsure as to why this was happening. But that thought was soon left behind as you saw me preparing for office. Before leaving I kissed you again and left without saying anything. All this was a bizarre occurrence and you were left without any explanation.

Part 2 – Punishment before Reward

Read [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g9lca0/part_1_punishment_before_reward/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) here

For sometime we sat there, both thinking of what was to come, you somewhat scared and me hiding my deep seeded rage. After a while we both got up and took a bath. I made sure to admire your perfect body, taking in the sight of those luscious lips, perfect breasts, and your voluptuous ass because I knew pretty soon I would break you, and they will be marked by the price of your insolence.

We had a nice romantic dinner and went to bed. You wore a low cut top and shorts to bed, everything perfectly calm as I wanted it to be. You laid your head on my chest and fell asleep pretty fast, completely oblivous of the fact that I was still awake. You let your guard down and that’s exactly what I wanted. I carefully slid out of the bed and went to make the necessary preparations.

Part 1 – Punishment before Reward

It was a hot summer day. The day at office was pretty tiresome as well. But the thought that at the end of the day, I’ll go back home to you was pretty invigorating. Within moments it got cloudy outside. The change in weather made the mood even more romantic. So I decided to give you a surprise. I called to inform you that I would not be coming home today. The dissent was quite apprent from your voice but you still didn’t say much, after all you knew your boundaries. When I got of work I went to the nearest florist and got some pretty red Roses. They were your favorite flowers after all and I wanted to make tonight special for both of us. I got home and walked in through the back door to surprise you.

But as I got nearer to the room, I heard a pretty familiar sound. Against all my common sense I hoped that it wasn’t what I knew it to be. But it was not to be. As soon as I got close, I could clearly see, you sitting buck naked on the bed playing with yourself and vibrator running. All my emotions of love just went away all of a sudden and deep anger took their place. I wanted to make you feel like a princess tonight but here I was looking at you acting like just another common whore, who couldn’t follow her Master’s orders.

Discipline for my Kitten [Post Lockdown]

Coming back after long time, I expected that as soon as I walk in the room, I’d find a face attached to my legs looking for my attention. But to my surprise, the door was locked. As far as I can remember this was the first time that had happened. I knocked on the door and waited for a while. After some time you opened the door. Against my expectations not only you weren’t on all fours, but you were wearing a night robe. There was no Hello Master or anything. Just a cold stare. Then you turned back and made sure to pop out your butt as you walked to the bed. I stood there for a while, struggling with what was going on. Since you didn’t give any attention to me and continued to just look at your mobile.

“Ahm lady, have you seen a kitten somewhere here. She usually attaches herself to me as soon as I walk in but today she seems to be missing”
Nothing but a smirk on your face as you kept ignoring me.