Update – [F/F] maybe the most insane situation of my life, could use some advice

Thank you everyone for your advice and suggestions on my previous post (here: http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3ky5ez/ff_maybe_the_most_insane_situation_of_my_life/). I'm still having trouble processing this so please hear me out.

A lot of you were worried about the lack of consent in the first incident with Beth. When I read back over my post I agree it's hard to argue otherwise. I don't think anybody said the "R" word but it's been freaking me out a little. Sometimes I feel pretty gross that I liked it so much.

I was really agonizing over the whole thing, going both ways about what I was going to do if Beth reached out again. I've almost said something to Aaron but didn't know how. I thought maybe if it didn't go any further then I could just pretend the whole thing never happened, and eventually I could forget about it. Well, that didn't happen.

I mentioned earlier that Aaron and I were working together to organize an event. Without getting into too much detail, it was a fundraiser, basically. I knew ahead of time Beth would probably be there. I was so, so nervous about seeing her. How would she act? How was I supposed to act?

[F/F] maybe the most insane situation of my life, could use some advice

I tried to stick to the facts but I got super turned on writing this. I actually didn't mean to write erotica but here it is. Originally I was going to post this on one of the advice subs, but I think now it might be inappropriate. Maybe I will cross post there later.

Aaron is one of my best friends. He's been dating Beth for about two years, and they now live together. I never had any strong feelings about Beth one way or the other except that she seemed kind of uptight. She's always been a little cold towards me, but I did my best to be friendly and inclusive towards her. I've always encouraged Aaron to bring Beth along when we hang out, etc. I figured if he liked her so much she must be all right.

I went over to their place the other day to drop off something Aaron needed for an event we're planning together. He wasn't there but Beth was. We were standing in their living room and I was trying to make a little small talk, not just drop it off and go. But she seemed colder than usual and even kind of angry so I asked her if something was wrong.