[MF] She came on my mouth and hands for months. But not once did she touch my dick.

This happened a few years ago. There is no PIV sex in this story. There is a bit of a buildup however. Some of the details have been changed. Look below the stars to see where it picked up.

I moved to a new city for a new job where I didn’t know anyone. In the first few weeks, there were a lot of parties, so naturally I went to a lot of them. You would run into the same people everywhere and eventually I got to know a few people and formed a bit of a group. Among them was this girl who was about 5’5, kinda plump, with cute face, and long dark hair. I didn’t think much of her physically, but we started talking. Within the first few conversations, we found out we had a lot in common, and we started talking more frequently and texting. There were times when we would stay up, drink, and watch the sunrise before walking home in opposite directions.

[MF] The time I [22M] seduced a [25F] after she called her boyfriend [Cheating/Long] – Part 2

Part 1: https://reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c5zcf6/mf_the_time_i_22m_seduced_a_25f_after_she_called/

So naturally, I was extremely excited for the 3rd date. Not only did the last two go well, but I was planning to stay the night. We texted a bit the next couple days, but only briefly, just to plan when I was going to stop by. Naturally we planned for a day that came as soon as possible. There was only one issue, her roommate was home, so I would have to sneak in and out. I texted her as i reached her front door and she opened it quietly and tiptoed out of her house. She gave a long lingering hug. I was too aware of where her hands, lips, and breasts were. As we pulled back, i looked at her, and we exchanged knowing glances, as if we were innocent and unaware of the reason I came over. To minimize my exposure to her roommate, we went for another walk. As soon as we set off, we wanted to get back, because we knew that an empty bed and the entire night awaited us. We kept the conversation light, and talked around our attraction, just letting natural conversation flow. Upon a quick return, we made sure her roommate was in her own room. As i waited downstairs, I could hear my heart pounding in my chest and wondered if she could hear it all the way upstairs. She came down to get me, and I took my shoes up with me.