You can read the story about my first time with Martin [here](
We met up as often as he could with his work schedule and living 40 minutes from my place. One weekend he stayed two nights in a row, and almost made it 3 before making himself go home. Our routine was: run, go to the grocery store, make dinner, and attempt to watch a movie or listen to music but really just have sex until we fell asleep. This one night we went running in the park and used the public workout machines. Then he tried to teach me some beginner self-defense moves in the middle of the patchy grass in the park. At first it was pretty easy, 1-2-3, deflecting his arms and redirecting the force. But then he said ‘flip me’, and showed me how to grab his arm, turn so he was behind me, and then instructed me to bend at the waist so he would flip over my head and land on his back. I thought it was hilarious but also didn’t want to hurt him. Some mild grinding may have occurred while I was debating flipping him or not, with him pressed up against me. Finally I flipped him and he landed in a way that didn’t break him or the important bits ;)