Maintenance Day, P.1 – Intro (M/F, Diapers, CNC, Age-play)

First chapter of a 5 part series I’m working on, comments and criticism welcome. The first part is a relatively light introduction with a hint of what is to come. Enjoy!

I was awake long before I was supposed to be. I hadn’t slept well. I never did on the night before a maintenance day. The anticipation made me restless, nervous, afraid. All of which made it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. I’d lie awake, running my behaviour over the week through my head and trying to decide whether I’d be judged a good girl or not. Tonight was no different. I’d worked myself into a state reliving past weekends spent as a pet, a toy, a slave or whatever else my owners dreamt up.

It was still dark outside and so it was even darker in my room with the curtains drawn. I was scared of the dark, so I hugged my teddy for comfort. I could smell his fur mixed in with the sweet bubble bath that Mummy had used for my bath time yesterday.