Killing me Softly

I am all taken care of. The sun now is completely gone, the room is pitch dark, which just enhances my sense of smell. I have no idea how long I napped but it was long enough for me to feel well-rested. You showered me, cleaned me, changed me. You made me tea, I had a couple of chocolate chip cookies – I baked, by the way – and tucked me in. I know you are here, by my side. You showered too, I was probably out by then, but I can smell your clean skin. I hope I can soon enough stop worrying about the clock ticking and time being wasted.

I turn to you and moan, to let you know I’m up, although not completely ready to open my eyes. My body instinctively looks for yours and I move forward only to feel your arm laying around my waist. I hide my face in your neck and feel a sense of fulfillment, everything was in place. Just two more minutes and I’ll have to go to the bathroom, I need to check myself.

Our Infidelity Sonet

I try to look casual, the noisy coffee shop is relatively crowded for this time of the day. I decided on a simple pair of old and comfortable jeans, a tight lacey white tank top (no bra, as per your request), white converse, light makeup. My short curly hair fits me fine today, thankfully, as it has its own will. It is definitely a good sign.

You shouldn’t have written that prompt, and I sure as hell shouldn’t have responded to it. Now here I am, how long ago was it? A year?

I shouldn’t worry about how I look, we saw it other multiple times, my pictures, our video chats. If I close my eyes and concentrate, I can block all the sounds – the glasses, the coffee machine, the laughs and clicks on keyboards from people enjoying the free wi-fi for working or studying – if I close my eyes and take a deep breath I can listen to your voice. How much you want me, how hungry for me you are. I start, at this moment and before you even arrive, to get wet, once more, to the thought of you, baby, I want you with my soul.