Massage Fantasy Achieved
u/maybeishouldntpostit wrote up her experience with me (M)
It was incredible from my point of view.
I felt in complete control, like I was in the matrix. Everything I did was gold. I could see the next move before it happened. All of my strokes were perfect and this was due to our chemistry, which was there Bessie I knew the exact boundaries.
Without further ado, here it is from her perspective:
Massage Fantasy Achieved!!
I walked into the spa wearing my pink and gold pineapple facemask (because I’m socially responsible like that) and see a tall broad gentleman. I was thankful for the mask because I was grinning like an idiot. He led me to a small room with low lighting, relaxing music, and a massage table and my skin was already tingling. He told me in a low tone, through his own mask, to undress and lay prone under the sheet. He stepped out, as this would be normal procedure, but it made me chuckle a bit because I knew he was going to not only see me naked but have his hands all over me in a few short minutes. I followed his directions (like the good little submissive woman I am) and sighed with contentment as the soft sheet settled over my tingling skin. I rested my face down on the cushion and tried to collect myself, recalling his reminder that this was his place of employment and I wouldn’t be able to make any noise. Me? Not make noise? Fuck, this was going to be torture by pleasure!