Daddy’s Medicine Part II – Daddy’s Special Chair [FM] [Mdom]

You’ve been very good so far. Stay seated. …you forgot to say “yes, Daddy.” Good girl.

Aww, baby. That’s the medicine. You’ll start to feel it in a moment. This is the first come up. Shh. Don’t worry, it will feel slow at first. We’re going to keep talking for now. Are you ready to make your first promise? I’m going to turn on the camera now. I will never show this to anyone, or speak about it without your consent, as long as you keep your promises–that’s my promise. Okay? Repeat after me:

“I will be honest with Daddy. I will tell him the truth. And what he tells me is the truth. Always.”

Believe it. And don’t forget. I’m going to ask you some different questions now. Very soon, you’re going to feel yourself changing. Do you remember your experience with Ayahuasca? It won’t be nearly as intense as that. But your mind is going to bend a little bit. You’ll feel warm, and very open. Extremely empathic at first. Like you want to give everything you have away. But it won’t be enough. You’ll feel like you need to get dirty. Your thoughts are going to become extremely deviant. You’re going to think things you’d be ashamed to admit. And that’s how I’m going to fix you.

Daddy’s Medicine (Part I) – “The First Promise” [FM] [Mdom]

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I was really nervous. I wasn’t sure if I’d still be ready by the time I got there. And there were a lot of rules: you made me say “yes, Daddy” every time you said something, and do things to present myself as submissive to you, and always pay attention to you like you were the most important thing in the whole world.

Don’t get me wrong, I like that stuff sometimes. It was mostly just weird to think about doing it all the time, even when I didn’t particularly feel like it. But I found that it didn’t have to be a big deal, and it always helped me get back into the right mindset, and made it way better when I was there.

But my favorite thing was experiencing what you said about being “domesticated.” It wasn’t just the way you changed me, and helped me develop that deep, subconscious calm. It was noticing the way it changed you. You became more commanding and more attentive. To train me, you gave me instructions and patterns to follow. I learned to love it. But I especially came to love the thought of you building the right structure for me to submit in. It was like watching the earth move to make you a home.